tcp-inlet create

ockam tcp-inlet create [OPTIONS]

Create TCP Inlets


  • --at [NODE_NAME] (optional)
    Node on which to start the TCP Inlet

  • --from [SOCKET_ADDRESS] (optional)
    Address on which to accept TCP connections

  • --to [ROUTE] (optional)
    Route to a TCP Outlet or the name of the TCP Outlet service you want to connect to

  • --via [RELAY_NAME] (optional)
    Name of the relay that this TCP Inlet will use to connect to the TCP Outlet

  • --authorized [AUTHORIZED] (optional)
    Authorized identity for secure channel connection

  • --alias [ALIAS] (optional)
    Assign a name to this TCP Inlet

  • --allow [EXPRESSION] (optional)
    Policy expression that will be used for access control to the TCP Inlet. If you don't provide it, the policy set for the "tcp-inlet" resource type will be used

  • --connection-wait [WAIT] (optional)
    Time to wait for the outlet to be available

  • --retry-wait [RETRY] (optional)
    Time to wait before retrying to connect to the TCP Outlet

  • --timeout [TIMEOUT] (optional)
    Override default timeout

  • --no-connection-wait (optional)
    Create the TCP Inlet without waiting for the TCP Outlet to connect


# To create a new TCP inlet at the given address using the default node
$ ockam tcp-inlet create --from --to /node/n1/service/outlet

# To create a new TCP inlet at the given address using a specific node
$ ockam tcp-inlet create --at n2 --from --to /node/n1/service/outlet