Orchestrate end-to-end encryption, mutual authentication, key management, credential management, and authorization policy enforcement — at scale.
Modern applications are distributed and have an unwieldy number of interconnections that must trustfully exchange data. Ockam makes it simple to build secure by-design applications that have granular control over every trust and access decision.
- enroll
- node
- vault
- identity
- project
- policy
- credential
- relay
- tcp-outlet
- tcp-inlet
- kafka-inlet
- kafka-outlet
- influxdb-inlet
- influxdb-outlet
- status
- reset
- run
- manpages
- completion
- environment
- admin
- space
- space-admin
- project-admin
- project-member
- sidecar
- subscription
- lease
- authority
- service
- message
- markdown
- migrate-database
- worker
- secure-channel-listener
- secure-channel
- tcp-listener
- tcp-connection
- flow-control
- kafka-consumer
- kafka-producer
- share
Let's walk through a simple example to create an end-to-end encrypted, mutually authenticated, secure and private cloud relay – for any application.
First let's enroll with Ockam Orchestrator where we'll create a managed cloud based relay that will move end-to-end encrypted data between distributed parts of our application.
# Create a cryptographic identity and enroll with Ockam Orchestrator.
# This will sign you up for an account with Ockam Orchestrator and setup a
# hobby space and project for you.
$ ockam enroll
You can also create encrypted relays outside the orchestrator.
See ockam relay --help
Application Service
Next let's prepare the service side of our application.
# Start our application service, listening on a local ip and port, that clients
# would access through the cloud relay. We'll use a simple http server for our
# first example but this could be some other application service.
$ python3 -m http.server --bind 5000
# Setup an ockam node, called blue, as a sidecar next to our application service.
$ ockam node create blue
# Create a tcp outlet on the blue node to send raw tcp traffic to the application service.
$ ockam tcp-outlet create --at /node/blue --to
# Then create a relay at your default orchestrator project to blue.
$ ockam relay create blue --to /node/blue
Application Client
Now on the client side
# Setup an ockam node, called green, as a sidecar next to our application service.
$ ockam node create green
# Then create an end-to-end encrypted secure channel with blue, through the cloud relay.
# Then tunnel traffic from a local tcp inlet through this end-to-end secure channel.
$ ockam secure-channel create --from /node/green \\
--to /project/default/service/forward_to_blue/service/api \\
| ockam tcp-inlet create --at /node/green --from --to -/service/outlet
# Access the application service though the end-to-end encrypted, secure relay.
$ curl
We just created end-to-end encrypted, mutually authenticated, and authorized secure communication between a tcp client and server. This client and server can be running in separate private networks / NATs. We didn't have to expose our server by opening a port on the Internet or punching a hole in our firewall.
The two sides authenticated and authorized each other's known, cryptographically provable identifiers. In later examples we'll see how we can build granular, attribute-based access control with authorization policies.
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ockam enroll
ockam enroll [OPTIONS]
The enroll
command enrolls your Ockam Identity with Ockam Orchestrator.
It involves multiple steps. In the first step, if you specify an Identity using the --identity
argument, the command uses it. If you don't specify an Identity, it checks if you have a default Identity. If you have one, the command uses this default Identity. If you do not have a default Identity, the command generates a new Identity in your default Vault. If you do not have a default Vault, the command creates a new one on your file system, makes it the default Vault, and uses it to store the private keys of your new Identity.
You will also need to use your web browser to type in a one-time code in order to activate the machine you are using to run the enroll
command. You will then be required to log in to your Orchestrator account to complete activating this machine. To do so, you can choose to authenticate using GitHub or create a new email and password. If you choose the latter, then you will need to verify your email address.
Orchestrator is a SaaS product that allows remote relays, add-ons integration like Confluent, Okta, etc. If this is your first time signing in, the Orchestrator creates a new dedicated Space and Project for you. A Project offers two services: a Membership Authority and a Relay service.
The enroll
command then asks this Project’s Membership Authority to sign and issue a Credential that attests that your Identifier is a member of this Project. Since your account in Orchestrator is the creator and hence first administrator on this new Project, the Membership Authority issues this Credential. The command stores the Credential for later use and exits.
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
The name of an existing Ockam Identity that you wish to enroll. You can useockam identity list
to get a list of existing Identities. To create a new Identity, useockam identity create
. If you don't specify an Identity name, and you don't have a default Identity, this command will create a default Identity for you and save it locally in the default Vault -
This option allows you to bypass pasting the one-time code and confirming device activation, and PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange) authorization flow. Please be careful with this option since it will open your default system browser. This option might be useful if you have already enrolled and want to re-enroll using the same account information -
By default this command skips the enrollment process if the Identity you specified (using--identity
), or the default Identity, is already enrolled, by checking its status. Use this flag to force the execution of the Identity enrollment process -
Use this flag to skip creating Orchestrator resources. When you use this flag, we only check whether the Orchestrator resources are created. And if they are not, we will continue without creating them
$ ockam enroll
To create your own identity and enroll with it, run:
ockam identity create my_id
ockam enroll --identity my_id
If you have problems with your enrollment, please run ockam reset --yes && ockam enroll
to delete your local state and start again. You can also reach out to us on Discord to ask for help https://discord.ockam.io.
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ockam node
ockam node <COMMAND>
An Ockam node is any running application that can communicate with other applications using various Ockam protocols like Routing, Secure Channels, Relays etc.
We can create Ockam nodes using the Ockam CLI or using various Ockam programming libraries like our Rust and Elixir libraries.
# Create two nodes
$ ockam node create n1
$ ockam node create n2
# Send a message to the uppercase service on node 2
$ ockam message send hello --to /node/n2/service/uppercase
# A more verbose version of the above would be,
# assuming n2 started its tcp listener on port 4000.
$ ockam message send hello --to /ip4/
# Send a message to the uppercase service on node n2 from node n1
$ ockam message send hello --from /node/n1 --to /node/n2/service/uppercase
# Create a secure channel from node n1 to the api service on node n2
# The /service/api is a secure channel listener that is started on every node
# Send a message through this encrypted channel to the uppercase service
$ ockam secure-channel create --from /node/n1 --to /node/n2/service/api \\
| ockam message send hello --from /node/n1 --to -/service/uppercase
# Create a node, with a specified tcp listener address
$ ockam node create n1 --tcp-listener-address
# Create a node, and run it in the foreground with verbose traces
$ ockam node create n1 --foreground -vvv
# Show information about a specific node
$ ockam node show n1
# List all created nodes
$ ockam node list
# Delete the node
$ ockam node delete n1
# Delete all nodes
$ ockam node delete --all
# Delete all nodes and force cleanup
$ ockam node delete --all --force
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node create
This command will create a new node. It will create a vault and identity if none exist and will be assigned as the default for the system.
When creating a node, a pre-defined set of default services will be started, including:
- An uppercase service at
- A secure channel listener at
- A tcp listener listening at some TCP port picked by the operating system. After creating a node, you can use the
ockam node show
command to see the port that was assigned to it.
Services are one or more Ockam Workers identified by addresses of the form /service/{ADDRESS}
. Services can be attached to identities and authorization policies to enforce attribute based access control (ABAC) rules.
Name of the node or a configuration to set up the node. The configuration can be either a path to a local file or a URL. TODO: Use Option
--configuration [YAML]
Inline node configuration -
--enrollment-ticket [ENROLLMENT TICKET]
A path, URL or inlined hex-encoded enrollment ticket to use for the Ockam Identity associated to this node. When passed, the identity will be given a project membership credential. Check theproject ticket
command for more information about enrollment tickets. -
--variable [VARIABLE]
Key-value pairs defining environment variables used in the Node configuration. The variables passed here will have precedence over global environment variables. This argument can be used multiple times, each time adding a new key-value pair. Example:--variable KEY1=VALUE1 --variable KEY2=VALUE2
A flag used internally to indicate that the node was started from a configuration file -
Run the node in foreground mode. This will block the current process until the node receives an exit signal (e.g., SIGINT, SIGTERM, CTRL+C, EOF) -
When running a node in foreground mode, exit the process when receiving EOF on stdin -
A flag to determine whether the current foreground node was started as a child process. This flag is only used internally and should not be set by the user -
Use this flag to not raise an error if the node is already running. This can be useful in environments where the PID is constant (e.g., kubernetes) -
,--tcp-listener-address [SOCKET_ADDRESS]
The address to bind the TCP listener to. Once the node is created, its services can be accessed via this address. By default, it binds to to assign a random free port -
,--udp-listener-address [SOCKET_ADDRESS_UDP]
The address to bind the UDP listener to. UDP listener is not started unless --udp is passed. Once the node is created, its services can be accessed via this address. By default, it binds to to assign a random free port -
[DEPRECATED] Enable the HTTP server for the node that will listen to in a random free port. To specify a port, use--status-endpoint-port
instead -
Disable the node's status endpoint that serves the healthcheck endpoint -
--status-endpoint-port [PORT]
[DEPRECATED] Specify the port that the status endpoint will listen to. To specify a port, use--status-endpoint
instead -
--status-endpoint [BIND_ADDRESS]
Specify the address and port that the status endpoint will listen to -
Enable UDP transport puncture -
--services [SERVICES]
A configuration in JSON format to set up the node services. Node configuration is run asynchronously and may take several seconds to complete -
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
The name of an existing Ockam Identity that this node will use. You can useockam identity list
to get a list of existing Identities. To create a new Identity, useockam identity create
. If you don't specify an Identity name, and you don't have a default Identity, this command will create a default Identity for you and save it locally in the default Vault -
--project [PROJECT_NAME]
Project name to use for the command -
--authority-identity [IDENTITY]
Hex encoded Identity -
--authority-route [AUTHORITY_ROUTE]
Address to the Authority node -
--credential-scope [CREDENTIAL_SCOPE]
Expect credential manually saved to the storage -
--opentelemetry-context [OPENTELEMETRY_CONTEXT]
Serialized opentelemetry context -
Run the node in memory without persisting the state to disk. It only works with foreground nodes -
--tcp-callback-port [TCP_CALLBACK_PORT]
Port that a node should connect to when it's up and running, as a way to signal the parent process
# To create a new node with a random name
$ ockam node create
# To create a new node with a specific name
$ ockam node create n
# To create a new node with a configuration file
$ ockam node create config.yaml
# To create a new node with an inline configuration
$ ockam node create --configuration "{name: n1, tcp-outlet: {db-outlet: {to: ''}}}"
An example of a configuration file is:
# variables can be used and overridden with environment variables
# name of the node
name: n1
# TCP listener address for the node
# This creates a relay named default
# by running the ockam relay create command
relay: default
# List of outlets
# Name of the outlet
# Arguments to the ockam tcp-outlet create command
# List of outlets
# Name of the inlet
# Arguments to the ockam tcp-outlet create command
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node delete
ockam node delete [OPTIONS] [NODE_NAME]
This command will delete the specified node or all the available nodes if the --all
flag is used. Deleting a node implies killing the process and removing its data directory. To temporary pause a node use ockam node stop
Name of the node to be deleted
Terminate all node processes and delete all node configurations -
[DEPRECATED] Terminate node process(es) immediately (uses SIGKILL instead of SIGTERM) -
Confirm the deletion without prompting
# To delete the default node
$ ockam node delete
# To delete a node given its name
$ ockam node delete n
# To delete all existing nodes
$ ockam node delete --all
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node list
ockam node list
This command will show the details of all the nodes registered in the system.
$ ockam node list
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node logs
ockam node logs [NODE_NAME]
This command will return the path to the node's log file. The user can select whether to return the stdout or the stderr log file. The default is to return the stdout log file.
Name of the node to retrieve the logs from
# Return the path to the stdout log file of the default node
$ ockam node logs
# Pipe the logs to a file into another tool to process it
$ cat < $(ockam node logs n)
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node show
ockam node show [NODE_NAME]
This command will show all the details of a node such as its name, route, default identity, and the services running on it.
The name of the node from which to fetch the details. If not provided, the default node is used
# To show the default node
$ ockam node show
# To show a node with a specific name
$ ockam node show n
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node start
ockam node start [NODE_NAME]
This command will start a node as a background process that was previously stopped via the command ockam node stop
. The node will be started with the same configuration as when it was created.
Name of the node to be started
# To start the default node
$ ockam node start
# To start a node with a specific name
$ ockam node start n
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node stop
ockam node stop [OPTIONS] [NODE_NAME]
This command will a running node, killing the associated background process. This operation will keep the node state in the $OCKAM_HOME
directory, so it can be restarted with ockam node start
Name of the node
[DEPRECATED] Whether to use the SIGTERM or SIGKILL signal to stop the node
# To stop the default node sending a SIGTERM signal
$ ockam node stop
# To stop the given node sending a SIGKILL signal
$ ockam node stop n --force
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node default
ockam node default [NODE_NAME]
This command will change the default node. The default node is used by most of the commands when none is specified.
Name of the node to set as default
# The first created node will be set as the default node
$ ockam node create n1
# Let's create a second node and assign it as default
$ ockam node create n2
$ ockam node default n2
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ockam vault
ockam vault <COMMAND>
A vault is a secure storage location for secret keys belonging to Ockam identities. Ockam Vaults safely store these secret keys in cryptographic hardware and cloud key management systems.
Vaults are designed to be used in a way that secret keys never have to leave a vault. There is a growing base of Ockam Vault implementations in the Ockam Github Repository that safely store secret keys in specific KMSs, HSMs, Secure Enclaves etc.
vault create
ockam vault create [OPTIONS] [NAME]
This command will create a new vault. By default, it creates a file system based vault, where Ockam Identities are stored at a specific file path.
--path [PATH]
# To create a new vault with a random name
$ ockam vault create
# To create a new vault with a specific name
$ ockam vault create v
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vault move
ockam vault move --path <PATH> <NAME>
This command will move an existing vault file to a new path:
- the vault needs to exist
- the vault data should not be stored in the main database
- the vault path should exist
- the new vault path should not exist
--path <PATH>
# To move a vault to a new path
$ ockam vault move my_vault --path new/path
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vault show
ockam vault show [NAME]
This command will show the details of a given vault, including its name, path and type.
Name of the vault
# To show the default vault
$ ockam vault show
# To show a specific vault
$ ockam vault show v1
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vault delete
ockam vault delete [OPTIONS] [NAME]
This command will delete the specified vault. Note that the identities stored in the vault will become unusable. Use this command with caution.
Name of the vault
Confirm the deletion without prompting -
# To delete a vault given its name
$ ockam vault delete v
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vault list
ockam vault list
This command will show the details of all the available vaults.
$ ockam vault list
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ockam identity
ockam identity <COMMAND>
Ockam Identities are unique, cryptographically verifiable digital identities. These identities authenticate by proving possession of secret keys and are stored in Ockam Vaults. Each Ockam Identity has a unique public identifier, called the Ockam Identifier of this identity.
identity create
ockam identity create [OPTIONS] [NAME]
This command will create a new identity. It will create a vault if none exists and will be assigned as the default for the system.
--vault [VAULT_NAME]
The name of the Vault where the Identity key will be stored -
,--key-id [KEY_ID]
Key ID to use for the identity creation -
--identity [IDENTITY]
Identity to import in hex format
# To create a new identity with a random name
$ ockam identity create
# To create a new identity with a specific name
$ ockam identity create i
# To create a new identity for a specific vault
$ ockam identity create --vault v
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identity show
ockam identity show [OPTIONS] [NAME]
This command will show the identifier of a given identity. If the --full
flag is passed, it will show the change history of the identity.
Show the full identity history, and not just the identifier or the name -
--encoding [ENCODING]
# To show the default identity
$ ockam identity show
# To show a specific identity
$ ockam identity show i
# To show the full details
$ ockam identity show --full
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identity list
ockam identity list
This command will show the details of all the available identities.
$ ockam identity list
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identity default
ockam identity default [NAME]
This command will change the default identity. The default identity is used when creating a node if not specified otherwise.
Name of the identity to be set as default
# The first created identity will be set as the default identity
$ ockam identity create i1
# Let's create a second identity and assign it as default
$ ockam identity create i2
$ ockam identity default i2
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identity delete
ockam identity delete [OPTIONS] [NAME]
This command will delete the specified identity. If a running node is using that identity, it won't be deleted and an error will be raised.
Name of the identity to be deleted
Confirm the deletion without prompting -
# To delete an identity given its name
$ ockam identity delete i
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ockam project
ockam project <COMMAND>
The project
command allows you to manage your Ockam Projects. You can create new Projects, list existing Projects, import existing Projects, and delete them.
As an administrator, you can also create tickets to allow other Ockam Nodes to become members of your Project (using ockam project ticket
). You can provide these tickets to others, and they can redeem them to enroll their Ockam Nodes into your Project (using ockam project enroll
An Ockam Project is a collection of Nodes and Workers that work together to achieve a common goal. You can create Nodes and Workers within a Project using various commands, like ockam node create
Upon enrolling in Ockam, using ockam enroll
, the Orchestrator creates a new dedicated Project for you. It offers two services: a Membership Authority and a Relay Service. You can use the Relay Service to create end-to-end secure channels. You can use the Membership Authority to manage which Identities are members of your Project.
project enroll
ockam project enroll [OPTIONS] [ENROLLMENT TICKET]
The project enroll
command allows you to use an enrollment ticket generated by ockam project ticket
(for a Project) to enroll an Identity, on an Ockam Node, typically running on another machine, to that Project. This is a great choice for enrolling large fleets of applications, services, or machines. It is also friendly to automated provisioning scripts and tools.
When you or someone else uses a machine to run this command with a ticket, the following steps take place for it to get a credential. The Identity of the Ockam Node running on this machine is enrolled with the ticket's Project. This Identity gets a Project membership credential that attests to the attributes that the ticket was created with. Then, for example, this Node can create a Relay in the Project, at an address specified in the attributes of the ticket. The attributes are also used in conjunction with access control policies on other Ockam Nodes to ensure that Project members that possess a certain credential with a certain attribute can communicate with them.
The ticket is plain text representing a one-time use token and the non-sensitive data about the Project, like the route to reach it and the Project Identity Identifier, which will be used to validate the Project Identity. The ticket itself can be stored in an environment variable, or a file.
Ockam offers several pluggable enrollment protocols. Another options for you is to use Okta as an enrollment provider using --okta
. This is a great choice for enrolling users without manual intervention (no need to manually provision tickets for each user). Workforce identities in Okta can be combined with application identities in Ockam for attribute-based access control of distributed applications.
Path, URL or inlined enrollment ticket
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Run the command as the given Identity -
--project [PROJECT_NAME]
Project name to use for the command -
--authority-identity [IDENTITY]
Hex encoded Identity -
--authority-route [AUTHORITY_ROUTE]
Address to the Authority node -
--credential-scope [CREDENTIAL_SCOPE]
Expect credential manually saved to the storage -
Use Okta instead of an enrollment ticket -
--retry-count [RETRY_COUNT]
Number of times to retry the command -
--retry-delay [RETRY_DELAY]
Delay between retries -
Disable retry for the command, no matter if it's enabled via arguments or environment variables -
--timeout [TIMEOUT]
Override the default timeout duration in environments where enrollment can take a long time -
# 1) Use hex encoded string enrollment ticket:
# From the admin machine, generate an enrollment ticket
$ TICKET=$(ockam project ticket --attribute component=user)
# From the user machine, enroll the local identity to the project using the ticket
$ ockam project enroll $TICKET --identity control_identity
# 2) Use file enrollment ticket:
# From the admin machine, generate an enrollment ticket, save to a file
$ ockam project ticket --attribute component=user > $NAME.ticket
# From the user machine, enroll the local identity to the project using the file
$ ockam project enroll --identity control_identity $NAME.ticket
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project import
ockam project import --project-file <PATH>
This command will import a project in the local database from a json file produce with ockam project show --output json
If the project already exists, an error is returned
--project-file <PATH>
Project file
# To import a project
$ ockam project import --project-file project.json
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project list
ockam project list [OPTIONS]
This command will show the details of all the available projects across the user's spaces.
By default, it will access the spaces associated to the default identity. This can be overridden by passing the --identity
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Run the command as the given Identity
# To list the projects of the default identity
$ ockam project list
# To list the spaces of a specific identity
$ ockam project list --identity i2
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project show
ockam project show [OPTIONS] [NAME]
This command will show all the details of a project such as its name, ID, and associated space.
Name of the project
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Run the command as the given Identity -
--retry-count [RETRY_COUNT]
Number of times to retry the command -
--retry-delay [RETRY_DELAY]
Delay between retries -
Disable retry for the command, no matter if it's enabled via arguments or environment variables
# To show a project with a specific name
$ ockam project show myspace myproject
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project version
ockam project version [OPTIONS]
This command will return the version of the Orchestrator Controller and the Projects
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Run the command as the given Identity
# To retrieve the version of the projects
$ ockam project version
project ticket
ockam project ticket [OPTIONS]
The project ticket
command allows you to create a one-time enrollment ticket, and provide custom attributes, after you have run ockam enroll
. This is typically only done by Project administrators. How long the ticket is valid, and how many times it can be redeemed is also configurable via this command. Once redeemed, the attributes in this ticket are assigned to its redeemer. You can also use the --relay
argument to allow the other Identity to create a Relay at the given address. The --enroller
argument allows the Identity using the ticket to enroll other Identities into the Project, typically something that only administrators can do.
Once you create a ticket, with attributes, for a Project, another Ockam node can use it later to enroll into this Project (using ockam project enroll
When another Ockam node runs ockam project enroll
with this ticket (the Identity of that node is enrolled), they become a member of the Project, and they get a credential at the end of this process. The Project's Membership Authority will cryptographically attest to the specific attributes that the ticket was created with. As a member, they can request a credential whenever they need one. Credentials do not live forever, and expire.
The ticket is plain text representing a one-time use token and the non-sensitive data about the Project, like the route to reach it, and some other information, which will be used to validate the Project Identity. The ticket itself can be stored in an environment variable, or a file.
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Run the command as the given Identity -
--project [PROJECT_NAME]
Project name to use for the command -
--authority-identity [IDENTITY]
Hex encoded Identity -
--authority-route [AUTHORITY_ROUTE]
Address to the Authority node -
--credential-scope [CREDENTIAL_SCOPE]
Expect credential manually saved to the storage -
,--attribute [ATTRIBUTE]
Attributes inkey=value
format to be attached to the member. You can specify this option multiple times for multiple attributes -
--expires-in [DURATION]
Duration for which the enrollment ticket is valid, if you don't specify this, the default is 10 minutes. Examples: 10000ms, 600s, 600, 10m, 1h, 1d. If you don't specify a length sigil, it is assumed to be seconds -
--usage-count [USAGE_COUNT]
Number of times the ticket can be used to enroll, the default is 1 -
Name of the relay that the identity using the ticket will be allowed to create. This name is transformed into attributes to prevent collisions when creating relay names. For example:--relay foo
is shorthand for--attribute ockam-relay=foo
Add the enroller role to your ticket. If you specify it, this flag is transformed into the attributes--attribute ockam-role=enroller
. This role allows the Identity using the ticket to enroll other Identities into the Project, typically something that only admins can do -
Allows the access to the TLS certificate of the Project, this flag is transformed into the attributes--attribute ockam-tls-certificate=true
--retry-count [RETRY_COUNT]
Number of times to retry the command -
--retry-delay [RETRY_DELAY]
Delay between retries -
Disable retry for the command, no matter if it's enabled via arguments or environment variables -
Return the ticket in hex encoded format -
Return the ticket using the legacy encoding format -
Don't wait for "project to be ready", that end up calling orchestrator
# To generate an enrollment ticket that can be used to enroll a machine
$ ockam project ticket --attribute component=db --attribute location=sf
# To generate an enrollment ticket that can be used to enroll a machine and save it to a file
$ ockam project ticket --attribute component=db --attribute location=sf > ticket.txt
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project create
ockam project create [OPTIONS] <SPACE_NAME> [PROJECT_NAME]
This command will create a new project within the given space. If the project already exists, it will just fetch it and show its details.
Name of the Space the project belongs to -
Name of the project - must be unique within parent Space
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Run the command as the given Identity
# To create a new project with a random name
$ ockam project create myspace
# To create a new project with a specific name
$ ockam project create myspace myproject
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project delete
ockam project delete [OPTIONS] <SPACE_NAME> <PROJECT_NAME>
This command will delete the specified project. Deleting a project implies deleting all the resources and services available for that project.
Name of the space -
Name of the project
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Run the command as the given Identity -
Confirm the deletion without prompting
# To delete a project given its name
$ ockam project delete myspace myproject
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project addon
ockam project addon [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
Manage addons for a Project
project addon list
ockam project addon list --project <PROJECT_NAME>
List available addons for a project
--project <PROJECT_NAME>
Project name
project addon disable
ockam project addon disable --project <PROJECT_NAME> --addon <ADDON_ID>
Disable an addon for a project
--project <PROJECT_NAME>
Project name -
--addon <ADDON_ID>
Addon id/name
project addon configure
ockam project addon configure <COMMAND>
Configure an addon for a project
project addon configure okta
ockam project addon configure okta [OPTIONS] --tenant <TENANT> --client-id <CLIENT_ID>
InfluxDB Cloud addon allows you to create, store and retrieve InfluxDB Tokens with expiry times.
--project [PROJECT_NAME]
Ockam Project name -
--tenant <TENANT>
Okta Plugin tenant URL -
Okta Certificate. Use either this or --cert-path -
--cert-path [CERTIFICATE_PATH]
Okta Certificate file path. Use either this or --cert -
--client-id <CLIENT_ID>
Okta Client ID -
,--attribute [ATTRIBUTE]
Attributes names to copy from Okta userprofile into Ockam credential
Examples of how to configure and use the InfluxDB Cloud addon can be found within the example documentation:
- https://docs.ockam.io/guides/examples/influxdb-cloud-token-lease-management
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project addon configure influxdb
ockam project addon configure influxdb [OPTIONS] --endpoint-url <ENDPOINT_URL> --token <INFLUXDB_TOKEN> --org-id <ORGANIZATION_ID>
InfluxDB Cloud addon allows you to create, store and retrieve InfluxDB Tokens with expiry times.
--project [PROJECT_NAME]
Ockam Project Name -
,--endpoint-url <ENDPOINT_URL>
Url of the InfluxDB instance -
InfluxDB Token with permissions to perform CRUD token operations -
InfluxDB Organization ID -
--permissions [PERMISSIONS_JSON]
InfluxDB Permissions as a JSON String https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.0/api/#operation/PostAuthorizations -
--permissions-path [PERMISSIONS_JSON_PATH]
InfluxDB Permissions JSON PATH. Use either this or --permissions -
--max-ttl [MAX_TTL_SECS]
Max TTL of Tokens within the Lease Manager [Defaults to 3 Hours] -
--user-access-role [USER_ACCESS_ROLE]
Ockam Access Rule for who can use the token lease service -
--admin-access-role [ADMIN_ACCESS_ROLE]
Ockam Access Rule for who can manage the token lease service
Examples of how to configure and use the InfluxDB Cloud addon can be found within the example documentation:
- https://docs.ockam.io/guides/examples/influxdb-cloud-token-lease-management
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project addon configure confluent
ockam project addon configure confluent [OPTIONS] --bootstrap-server <BOOTSTRAP_SERVER>
Confluent Cloud addon allows you to enable end-to-end encryption with your Kafka Consumers and Kafka Producers.
--project [PROJECT_NAME]
Ockam project name -
--bootstrap-server <BOOTSTRAP_SERVER>
Bootstrap server address
Examples of how to configure and use the Confluent Cloud addon can be found within the example documentation:
- https://docs.ockam.io/guides/examples/end-to-end-encrypted-kafka
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project addon configure instaclustr-kafka
ockam project addon configure instaclustr-kafka [OPTIONS] --bootstrap-server <BOOTSTRAP_SERVER>
Instaclustr (Kafka) addon allows you to enable end-to-end encryption with your Kafka Consumers and Kafka Producers.
--project [PROJECT_NAME]
Ockam project name -
--bootstrap-server <BOOTSTRAP_SERVER>
Bootstrap server address
Examples of how to configure and use the Instaclustr (Kafka) addon can be found within the example documentation:
- https://docs.ockam.io/guides/examples/end-to-end-encrypted-kafka
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project addon configure aiven-kafka
ockam project addon configure aiven-kafka [OPTIONS] --bootstrap-server <BOOTSTRAP_SERVER>
Aiven (Kafka) addon allows you to enable end-to-end encryption with your Kafka Consumers and Kafka Producers.
--project [PROJECT_NAME]
Ockam project name -
--bootstrap-server <BOOTSTRAP_SERVER>
Bootstrap server address
Examples of how to configure and use the Aiven (Kafka) addon can be found within the example documentation:
- https://docs.ockam.io/guides/examples/end-to-end-encrypted-kafka
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project addon configure redpanda
ockam project addon configure redpanda [OPTIONS] --bootstrap-server <BOOTSTRAP_SERVER>
Redpanda addon allows you to enable end-to-end encryption with your Kafka Consumers and Kafka Producers.
--project [PROJECT_NAME]
Ockam project name -
--bootstrap-server <BOOTSTRAP_SERVER>
Bootstrap server address
Examples of how to configure and use the Redpanda addon can be found within the example documentation:
- https://docs.ockam.io/guides/examples/end-to-end-encrypted-kafka
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project addon configure warpstream
ockam project addon configure warpstream [OPTIONS] --bootstrap-server <BOOTSTRAP_SERVER>
WarpSteam addon allows you to enable end-to-end encryption with your Kafka Consumers and Kafka Producers.
--project [PROJECT_NAME]
Ockam project name -
--bootstrap-server <BOOTSTRAP_SERVER>
Bootstrap server address
Examples of how to configure and use the WarpStream addon can be found within the example documentation:
- https://docs.ockam.io/guides/examples/end-to-end-encrypted-kafka
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project addon configure kafka
ockam project addon configure kafka [OPTIONS] --bootstrap-server <BOOTSTRAP_SERVER>
Apache Kafka addon allows you to enable end-to-end encryption with your Kafka Consumers and Kafka Producers.
--project [PROJECT_NAME]
Ockam project name -
--bootstrap-server <BOOTSTRAP_SERVER>
Bootstrap server address
Examples of how to configure and use the Apache Kafka addon can be found within the example documentation:
- https://docs.ockam.io/guides/examples/end-to-end-encrypted-kafka
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ockam policy
ockam policy <COMMAND>
policy create
ockam policy create [OPTIONS] --allow <POLICY_EXPRESSION>
This command creates a new policy associated to a resource.
--at [NODE_NAME]
(optional)--resource-type [RESOURCE_TYPE]
(optional)--resource [RESOURCE]
(optional)--allow <POLICY_EXPRESSION>
Policies can be specified using 2 formats:
- A simple boolean expression
- A complete policy expression
Boolean expressions
A boolean expression contains names and boolean operators: and
, or
, not
Here are some examples of boolean expressions:
a and b
a or b
(a and b) or (b or (not c))
The names must contain can contain letters, digits, and separators like,: .
, -
, or _
However a name cannot start with a digit or a .
For example:
A boolean expression is transformed as a full policy expression before being stored.
Names are transformed to attributes on a subject
and set to the value true
. For example, the expression a and b
(and (= subject.a "true") (= subject.b "true"))
Policy expressions
A policy expression is an expression containing identifiers and operators, which can eventually be evaluated to a boolean value given an environment (a list of key/value pairs) assigning a value to each name.
For example, the expression (= subject.component "db")
will evaluate to true
given an environment containing the
name subject.component
and the value "db"
. The type of values associated to names are:
.- a list of values with one of the types above.
The structure of a policy expression consists in an operator followed by one or several arguments:
(operator argument1 argument2)
Here is the list of available operators:
Operator | Arity | Example | Description |
and | 2 | (and (= a 1) (= b 2)) | true if both expressions are true. |
or | 2 | (or (= a 1) (= b 2)) | true if one expression is true. |
not | 1 | (not (= a 1)) | true if the expression is false. |
if | 3 | (if (= a 1) (= b 2) (= c 3) | if the first expression is true return the value of the second expression. Otherwise return the value of the third expression. |
< | 2 | (< a 1) | true if a value is strictly less than another value. |
> | 2 | (> a 1) | true if a value is strictly greater than another value. |
= | 2 | (= a "value") | true if a value is equal to another value. |
!= | 2 | (!= a "value") | true if a value is not equal to another value. |
member? | 2 | (member? a ["db1", "db2"]) | true if a value is contained in a list of other values. |
exists? | n >= 1 | (exists? a b c) | true if one of the identifiers has an associated value in the environment. |
Learn More:
Use 'ockam <SUBCOMMAND> --help' for more information about a subcommand.
Where <SUBCOMMAND> might be: 'node', 'status', 'enroll', etc.
Learn more about Command: https://command.ockam.io/manual/
Learn more about Ockam: https://docs.ockam.io/reference/command
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discord channel https://discord.ockam.io
policy show
ockam policy show [OPTIONS] [RESOURCE]
--at [NODE_NAME]
policy delete
ockam policy delete [OPTIONS] [RESOURCE]
--at [NODE_NAME]
Confirm the deletion without prompting
policy list
ockam policy list [OPTIONS] [RESOURCE]
--at [NODE_NAME]
ockam credential
ockam credential <COMMAND>
Manage Credentials
credential list
ockam credential list [OPTIONS]
--at [NODE_NAME]
Perform the command on the given node -
--subject [SUBJECT]
Subject Identifier -
--issuer [ISSUER]
Issuer Identifier
credential issue
ockam credential issue [OPTIONS] --for <IDENTIFIER> [VAULT_NAME]
The name of the Vault that will be used to issue the credential
Name of the Identity to be used as the credential issuer -
Identifier of the Identity that the credential is issued for -
,--attribute [ATTRIBUTE]
Attributes inkey=value
format to be attached to the member -
--encoding [ENCODE_FORMAT]
Encoding Format -
--ttl [TTL]
Time to live for the credential
credential store
ockam credential store [OPTIONS] --issuer <IDENTIFIER> --scope <CREDENTIAL_SCOPE>
--issuer <IDENTIFIER>
Scope is used to separate credentials given they have the same Issuer&Subject Identifiers Scope can be an arbitrary value, however project admin, project member, and account admin credentials have scope of a specific format. See [CredentialScope
] -
--credential [CREDENTIAL_STRING]
(optional) -
--credential-path [CREDENTIAL_FILE]
(optional) -
--at [NODE_NAME]
Perform the command on the given node
credential verify
ockam credential verify [OPTIONS] --issuer <IDENTIFIER>
--issuer <IDENTIFIER>
--credential [CREDENTIAL_STRING]
(optional)--credential-path [CREDENTIAL_FILE]
ockam relay
ockam relay <COMMAND>
Communication topologies often encounter situations where the machine providing a service cannot or will not open a listening port or expose a bridge node to other networks. This is a common security best practice in enterprise environments, home networks, OT networks, and VPCs across clouds. Application developers may not have control over these choices from the infrastructure/operations layer. In such cases, relays are useful.
Relays make it possible to establish end-to-end protocols with services operating in a remote private networks, without requiring a remote service to expose listening ports to an outside hostile network like the Internet.
# Create two nodes blue and green
$ ockam node create blue
$ ockam node create green
# Create a relay to node blue at node green
$ ockam relay create blue --at /node/green --to /node/blue
# Send a message to the uppercase service on blue via its relay on green
$ ockam message send hello --to /node/green/service/forward_to_blue/service/uppercase
This can be very useful in establishing communication between applications that cannot otherwise reach each other over the network.
For instance, we can use relays to create an end-to-end secure channel between two nodes that are behind private NATs:
# Create another node called yellow
$ ockam node create yellow
# Create an end-to-end secure channel between yellow and blue.
# This secure channel is created through blue's relay at green, and we can
# send end-to-end encrypted messages through it.
$ ockam secure-channel create --from /node/yellow --to /node/green/service/forward_to_blue/service/api \\
| ockam message send hello --from /node/yellow --to -/service/uppercase
In this topology green acts as an encrypted relay between yellow and blue. Yellow and blue can be running in completely separate private networks. Green needs to be reachable from both yellow and blue and only sees encrypted traffic.
You can find more details within the documentation:
- https://docs.ockam.io/reference/command/advanced-routing#relays
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relay create
ockam relay create [OPTIONS] [RELAY_NAME]
Create a Relay. If no arguments are passed in, and you are enrolled in Orchestrator, then it creates a Relay at the default Orchestrator project, to the local default node.
Name of the relay. If not provided, 'default' will be used
--to [NODE_NAME]
Node for which to create the relay -
--at [ROUTE]
Route to the node at which to create the relay -
--authorized [AUTHORIZED]
Authorized identity for secure channel connection -
--relay-address [RELAY_ADDRESS]
Relay address to use. By default, inherits the relay name -
[DEPRECATED] Whether the relay will be used to relay messages at a project. By default, this information will be inferred from the--at
argument -
Create the Relay without waiting for the connection to be established -
--retry-count [RETRY_COUNT]
Number of times to retry the command -
--retry-delay [RETRY_DELAY]
Delay between retries -
Disable retry for the command, no matter if it's enabled via arguments or environment variables
$ ockam relay create r --at n1 --to n2
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relay list
ockam relay list [OPTIONS]
List Relays on your default node. If you pass '--to
--to [NODE]
Get the list of Relays at the given node
$ ockam relay list --to n2
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relay show
ockam relay show [OPTIONS] [RELAY_NAME]
Show a Relay given its name
Name assigned to the Relay
--at [NODE]
Node which the relay belongs to
$ ockam relay show forward_to_r --at n2
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relay delete
ockam relay delete [OPTIONS] [RELAY_NAME]
Delete a Relay
Name assigned to the Relay
--at [NODE]
Node on which to delete the Relay. If not provided, the default node will be used -
Confirm the deletion without prompting
$ ockam relay delete forward_to_r --at n2
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ockam tcp-outlet
ockam tcp-outlet <COMMAND>
A TCP Inlet and TCP Outlet together form a portal, working hand in hand with Relays. A TCP Inlet defines where a node, running on another machine, listens for connections. The Inlet's route provides information on how to forward traffic to the Outlet (its address). Relays allow you to establish end-to-end protocols with services that operate in remote private networks.
When you create a TCP Outlet, on an Ockam node, running on your local machine, it makes the TCP service available to the Inlet, from a worker address. You must specify the TCP address of the server, to which your Outlet should send raw TCP traffic. You can also name your Outlet by giving it an alias.
A TCP Outlet runs adjacent to a TCP server. The Outlet unwraps Ockam messages and delivers the raw TCP messages to the TCP server. Conversely, it sends messages from the TCP server to the Inlet (refer to ockam tcp-inlet
and ockam relay
# Create a target service, we'll use a simple http server for this example
$ python3 -m http.server --bind 5000
# Create two nodes
$ ockam node create n1
$ ockam node create n2
# Create a TCP outlet from n1 to the target server
$ ockam tcp-outlet create --at /node/n1 --to
# Create a TCP inlet from n2 to the outlet on n1
$ ockam tcp-inlet create --at /node/n2 --from --to /node/n1/service/outlet
# Access the service via the inlet/outlet pair
$ curl
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tcp-outlet create
ockam tcp-outlet create [OPTIONS] --to <SOCKET_ADDRESS> [NAME]
Create a TCP Outlet that runs adjacent to a TCP server. The Outlet unwraps Ockam messages and delivers the raw TCP messages to the TCP server.
You must specify the TCP address of the server, that your Outlet should send raw TCP traffic to. You can also name your Outlet by giving it an alias.
When you create a TCP Outlet, on an Ockam node, running on your local machine, it makes the TCP server available from a worker address, to the corresponding TCP Inlet (see ockam tcp-inlet
Address of your TCP Outlet, which is part of a route used in other commands. This unique address identifies the TCP Outlet worker on the Node on your local machine. Examples are/service/my-outlet
. If not provided,outlet
will be used, or a random address will be generated ifoutlet
is taken. You will need this address when creating a TCP Inlet usingockam tcp-inlet create
TCP address where your TCP server is running: domain:port. Your Outlet will send raw TCP traffic to it -
If set, the outlet will establish a TLS connection over TCP -
Alternative to thepositional argument. Address of your TCP Outlet, which is part of a route used in other commands -
--at [NODE_NAME]
Your TCP Outlet will be created on this node. If you don't provide it, the default node will be used -
Policy expression that will be used for access control to the TCP Outlet. If you don't provide it, the policy set for the "tcp-outlet" resource type will be used.
You can check the fallback policy with ockam policy show --resource-type tcp-outlet
Use eBPF and RawSocket to access TCP packets instead of TCP data stream. IfOCKAM_PRIVILEGED
env variable is set to 1, this argument will betrue
. WARNING: This flag value should be equal on both ends of a portal (inlet and outlet) -
Skip Portal handshake for lower latency, but also lower throughput WARNING: This flag value should be equal on both ends of a portal (inlet and outlet) -
Enable Nagle's algorithm for potentially higher throughput, but higher latency
# To create a new TCP Outlet to the TCP server, using the default node
$ ockam tcp-outlet create --to
# To create a new TCP Outlet at the given address, to the TCP server
$ ockam tcp-outlet create --to --from payroll-db-outlet
# To create a new TCP Outlet to the TCP server, using a specific node
$ ockam tcp-outlet create --at n1 --to
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tcp-outlet delete
ockam tcp-outlet delete [OPTIONS] [ALIAS]
Delete a TCP Outlet. This does not delete any TCP Inlets or Relays that you may have created, you can use ockam tcp-inlet delete
and ockam relay delete
to delete them.
Delete the Outlet with this alias name. If you don't provide an alias, you will be prompted to select from a list of available Outlets to delete
--at [NODE_NAME]
Perform the command on the given node -
Run the delete command, without prompting for confirmation. This is useful for scripts -
Delete all the TCP Outlets
# To delete a TCP outlet given its alias on the default node
$ ockam tcp-outlet delete myoutlet
# To delete a TCP outlet given its alias on a specific node
$ ockam tcp-outlet delete myoutlet --at n1
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tcp-outlet list
ockam tcp-outlet list [OPTIONS]
List all the TCP Outlets at a given node, and provide limited information about each Outlet. For detailed information about each Outlet, use ockam tcp-outlet show
. If you don't specify a node using the --at
option, the TCP Outlets on the default node will be listed.
--at [NODE_NAME]
Perform the command on the given node
# To list the TCP outlets on the default node
$ ockam tcp-outlet list
# To list the TCP outlets on a specific node
$ ockam tcp-outlet list --at n1
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tcp-outlet show
ockam tcp-outlet show [OPTIONS] [ALIAS]
Show detailed information on TCP Outlets
Show detailed information about the Outlet that has this alias. If you don't provide an alias, you will be prompted to select from a list of available Outlets to show
--at [NODE_NAME]
Show Outlet at the specified node. If you don't provide it, the default node will be used
# To show a TCP Outlet given its alias
$ ockam tcp-outlet show myoutlet
# To display a list of available TCP Outlets to show
$ ockam tcp-outlet show
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ockam tcp-inlet
ockam tcp-inlet <COMMAND>
A TCP inlet is a way of defining where a node should be listening for connections, and where it should forward that traffic to. It is one end (tcp-outlet being the other) of a portal, which receives TCP data, chunks and wraps it into Ockam Routing messages and sends them along the supplied route.
# Create a target service, we'll use a simple http server for this example
$ python3 -m http.server --bind 5000
# Create two nodes
$ ockam node create n1
$ ockam node create n2
# Create a TCP outlet from n1 to the target server
$ ockam tcp-outlet create --at /node/n1 --to
# Create a TCP inlet from n2 to the outlet on n1
$ ockam tcp-inlet create --at /node/n2 --from --to /node/n1/service/outlet
# Access the service via the inlet/outlet pair
$ curl
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tcp-inlet create
ockam tcp-inlet create [OPTIONS] [NAME]
Create TCP Inlets
Assign a name to this TCP Inlet
--at [NODE_NAME]
Node on which to start the TCP Inlet -
Address on which to accept InfluxDB connections, in the format<scheme>://<hostname>:<port>
. At least the port must be provided. The default scheme istcp
and the default hostname is127.0.0.1
. If the argument is not set, a random port will be used on the default address -
--to [ROUTE]
Route to a TCP Outlet or the name of the TCP Outlet service you want to connect to -
--via [RELAY_NAME]
Name of the relay that this TCP Inlet will use to connect to the TCP Outlet -
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Identity to be used to create the secure channel. If not set, the node's identity will be used -
--authorized [AUTHORIZED]
Authorized identifier for secure channel connection -
--alias [ALIAS]
[DEPRECATED] Use thepositional argument instead -
Policy expression that will be used for access control to the TCP Inlet. If you don't provide it, the policy set for the "tcp-inlet" resource type will be used.
You can check the fallback policy with ockam policy show --resource-type tcp-inlet
--connection-wait [WAIT]
Time to wait for the outlet to be available -
--retry-wait [RETRY]
Time to wait before retrying to connect to the TCP Outlet -
--timeout [TIMEOUT]
Override the default timeout duration that the command will wait for a response -
Create the TCP Inlet without waiting for the TCP Outlet to connect -
[DEPRECATED] Use theudp
scheme in the--from
argument -
Disable fallback to TCP. TCP won't be used to transfer data between the Inlet and the Outlet -
Use eBPF and RawSocket to access TCP packets instead of TCP data stream. IfOCKAM_PRIVILEGED
env variable is set to 1, this argument will betrue
. WARNING: This flag value should be equal on both ends of a portal (inlet and outlet) -
[DEPRECATED] Use thetls
scheme in the--from
argument -
--tls-certificate-provider [ROUTE]
Enable TLS for the TCP Inlet using the provided certificate provider. Requiresockam-tls-certificate
credential attribute -
Skip Portal handshake for lower latency, but also lower throughput WARNING: This flag value should be equal on both ends of a portal (inlet and outlet) -
Enable Nagle's algorithm for potentially higher throughput, but higher latency -
--http-header [HTTP_HEADER]
Set the provided HTTP headers in the client request. Existing headers with the same name will be discarded. This option assumes the protocol is HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1. It expects a key-value pair in the formatkey:value
. It can be specified multiple times
# To create a new TCP inlet at the given address using the default node
$ ockam tcp-inlet create --from --to /node/n1/service/outlet
# To create a new TCP inlet at the given address using a specific node
$ ockam tcp-inlet create --at n2 --from --to /node/n1/service/outlet
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tcp-inlet delete
ockam tcp-inlet delete [OPTIONS] [ALIAS]
Delete a TCP Inlet
Delete the inlet with this alias
--at [NODE_NAME]
Perform the command on the given node -
Confirm the deletion without prompting -
Delete all the TCP Inlets
# To delete a TCP inlet given its alias on the default node
$ ockam tcp-inlet delete myinlet
# To delete a TCP inlet given its alias on a specific node
$ ockam tcp-inlet delete myinlet --at n1
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tcp-inlet list
ockam tcp-inlet list [OPTIONS]
List TCP Inlets on the default node
--at [NODE_NAME]
Perform the command on the given node
# To list the TCP inlets on the default node
$ ockam tcp-inlet list
# To list the TCP inlets on a specific node
$ ockam tcp-inlet list --at n1
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tcp-inlet show
ockam tcp-inlet show [OPTIONS] [ALIAS]
Show a TCP Inlet's details
Name of the inlet
--at [NODE_NAME]
Show Inlet at the specified node. If you don't provide it, the default node will be used
# To show a TCP inlet given its alias
$ ockam tcp-inlet show myinlet
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ockam kafka-inlet
ockam kafka-inlet <COMMAND>
Manage Kafka Inlets
kafka-inlet create
ockam kafka-inlet create [OPTIONS] [NAME]
Create a new Kafka Inlet. Kafka clients v3.7.0 and earlier are supported. You can find the version you have with 'kafka-topics.sh --version'
Assign a name to this Kafka Inlet
--at [NODE_NAME]
Perform the command on the given node -
--addr [ADDR]
[DEPRECATED] Use thepositional argument instead -
The address where the client will connect, in the format<scheme>://<hostname>:<port>
--brokers-port-range [BROKERS_PORT_RANGE]
Local port range dynamically allocated to kafka brokers, must not overlap with the bootstrap port -
--to [ROUTE]
The route to the Kafka outlet node, either the project in Ockam Orchestrator or a rust node, expected something like /project/. Use self when the Kafka outlet is local -
--consumer [ROUTE]
The direct route to a single Kafka consumer node instead of using a relay for their resolution. A single encryption key will be exchanged with the provided consumer -
--consumer-relay [ROUTE]
The route to the Kafka consumer relay node. Encryption keys will be exchanged passing through this relay based on topic and partition name. By default, this parameter uses the value ofto
--publishing-relay [ROUTE]
The route to the Kafka consumer relay node which will be used to make this consumer available to producers. By default, this parameter uses the value ofconsumer-relay
Avoid publishing the consumer in the relay. This is useful to avoid the creation of an unused relay when the consumer is directly referenced by the producer -
Disable end-to-end kafka messages encryption between producer and consumer. Use it when you want a plain kafka portal, the communication itself will still be encrypted -
--encrypted-field [FIELD]
The fields to encrypt in the kafka messages, assuming the record is a valid JSON map. By default, the whole record is encrypted -
Policy expression that will be used for access control to the Kafka Inlet. If you don't provide it, the policy set for the "tcp-inlet" resource type will be used.
You can check the fallback policy with ockam policy show --resource-type tcp-inlet
--allow-consumer [CONSUMER-EXPRESSION]
Policy expression that will be used for access control to the Kafka Consumer. If you don't provide it, the policy set for the "kafka-consumer" resource type will be used.
You can check the fallback policy with ockam policy show --resource-type kafka-consumer
--allow-producer [PRODUCER-EXPRESSION]
Policy expression that will be used for access control to the Kafka Producer. If you don't provide it, the policy set for the "kafka-producer" resource type will be used.
You can check the fallback policy with ockam policy show --resource-type kafka-producer
kafka-inlet show
ockam kafka-inlet show [OPTIONS] [ADDRESS]
Show a Kafka Inlet
Kafka Inlet service address
--at [NODE_NAME]
Perform the command on the given node
kafka-inlet delete
ockam kafka-inlet delete [OPTIONS] [ADDRESS]
Delete a Kafka Inlet
Kafka Inlet service address
--at [NODE_NAME]
Perform the command on the given node -
Confirm the deletion without prompting -
Delete all the Kafka Inlets
# To delete a kafka inlet on the default node
$ ockam kafka-inlet delete kcaddr
# To delete a kafka inlet on a specific node
$ ockam kafka-inlet delete kcaddr --at n
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kafka-inlet list
ockam kafka-inlet list [OPTIONS]
List Kafka Inlets
--at [NODE_NAME]
Perform the command on the given node
# To list the kafka inlet on the default node
$ ockam kafka-inlet list
# To list the kafka inlet on a specific node
$ ockam kafka-inlet list --at n
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ockam kafka-outlet
ockam kafka-outlet <COMMAND>
Manage Kafka Outlets
kafka-outlet create
ockam kafka-outlet create [OPTIONS] [NAME]
Create a new Kafka Outlet
Address of your Kafka Outlet, which is part of a route used in other commands. This unique address identifies the Kafka Outlet worker on the Node on your local machine. Examples are/service/my-outlet
. If not provided,/service/kafka_outlet
will be used. You will need this address when creating a Kafka Inlet usingockam kafka-inlet create
--at [NODE_NAME]
Perform the command on the given node -
Alternative to thepositional argument. Address of your Kafka Outlet, which is part of a route used in other commands -
--bootstrap-server [BOOTSTRAP_SERVER]
The address of the kafka bootstrap broker -
[DEPRECATED] Use thetls
scheme in the--from
argument -
--allow [EXPRESSION]
Policy expression that will be used for access control to the Kafka Outlet. If you don't provide it, the policy set for the "tcp-outlet" resource type will be used.
You can check the fallback policy with ockam policy show --resource-type tcp-outlet
kafka-outlet show
ockam kafka-outlet show [OPTIONS] [ADDRESS]
Show a Kafka Outlet
Kafka Outlet service address
--at [NODE_NAME]
Perform the command on the given node
kafka-outlet delete
ockam kafka-outlet delete [OPTIONS] [ADDRESS]
Delete a Kafka Outlet
Kafka outlet service address
--at [NODE_NAME]
Perform the command on the given node -
Confirm the deletion without prompting -
Delete all the Kafka Outlets
kafka-outlet list
ockam kafka-outlet list [OPTIONS]
List Kafka Outlets
--at [NODE_NAME]
Perform the command on the given node
ockam influxdb-inlet
ockam influxdb-inlet <COMMAND>
An InfluxDB Inlet is a way of defining where a node should be listening for connections, and where it should forward that traffic to. It is one end (influxdb-outlet being the other) of a portal, which receives Http data, attach an authorization token header to it, chunks and wraps it into Ockam Routing messages and sends them along the supplied route.
influxdb-inlet create
ockam influxdb-inlet create [OPTIONS] [NAME]
Create InfluxDB Inlets
Assign a name to this InfluxDB Inlet
--at [NODE_NAME]
Node on which to start the InfluxDB Inlet -
Address on which to accept InfluxDB connections, in the format<scheme>://<hostname>:<port>
. At least the port must be provided. The default scheme istcp
and the default hostname is127.0.0.1
. If the argument is not set, a random port will be used on the default address -
--to [ROUTE]
Route to a InfluxDB Outlet or the name of the InfluxDB Outlet service you want to connect to -
--via [RELAY_NAME]
Name of the relay that this InfluxDB Inlet will use to connect to the InfluxDB Outlet -
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Identity to be used to create the secure channel. If not set, the node's identity will be used -
--authorized [AUTHORIZED]
Authorized identifier for secure channel connection -
--alias [ALIAS]
[DEPRECATED] Use thepositional argument instead -
Policy expression that will be used for access control to the InfluxDB Inlet. If you don't provide it, the policy set for the "tcp-inlet" resource type will be used -
--connection-wait [WAIT]
Time to wait for the outlet to be available -
--retry-wait [RETRY]
Time to wait before retrying to connect to the InfluxDB Outlet -
--timeout [TIMEOUT]
Override the default timeout duration that the command will wait for a response -
Create the InfluxDB Inlet without waiting for the InfluxDB Outlet to connect -
[DEPRECATED] Use theudp
scheme in the--from
argument -
Disable fallback to TCP. TCP won't be used to transfer data between the Inlet and the Outlet -
Use eBPF and RawSocket to access TCP packets instead of TCP data stream. IfOCKAM_PRIVILEGED
env variable is set to 1, this argument will betrue
[DEPRECATED] Use thetls
scheme in the--from
argument -
--tls-certificate-provider [ROUTE]
Enable TLS for the InfluxDB Inlet using the provided certificate provider. Requiresockam-tls-certificate
credential attribute -
--leased-token-strategy [LEASED_TOKEN_STRATEGY]
Share the leases among the clients or use a separate lease for each client -
--lease-manager-route [ROUTE]
The route to the lease issuer service. Only applicable iflease-token-strategy
is set toper-client
. If not provided, it's derived from the outlet route
ockam influxdb-outlet
ockam influxdb-outlet <COMMAND>
Create an InfluxDB Outlet that runs adjacent to an InfluxDB server. The Outlet unwraps Ockam messages and delivers the http request to the server, after attaching authentication information to it.
You must specify the TCP address of the server, that your Outlet should send raw TCP traffic to. You can also name your Outlet by giving it an alias.
When you create an InfluxDB Outlet, on an Ockam node, running on your local machine, it makes the InfluxDB server available from a worker address, to the corresponding InfluxDB Inlet (see ockam influxfb-inlet
influxdb-outlet create
ockam influxdb-outlet create [OPTIONS] --to <SOCKET_ADDRESS> --leased-token-permissions <JSON> --leased-token-expires-in <DURATION> [NAME]
Create InfluxDB Outlets
Address of your InfluxDB Outlet, which is part of a route used in other commands. This unique address identifies the InfluxDB Outlet worker on the Node on your local machine. Examples are/service/my-outlet
. If not provided,outlet
will be used, or a random address will be generated ifoutlet
is taken. You will need this address when creating a InfluxDB Inlet usingockam influxdb-inlet create
Address where your InfluxDB server is running, in the format<scheme>://<hostname>:<port>
. At least the port must be provided. The default scheme istcp
and the default hostname is127.0.0.1
[DEPRECATED] Use thetls
scheme in the--from
argument -
Alternative to thepositional argument. Address of your InfluxDB Outlet, which is part of a route used in other commands -
--at [NODE_NAME]
Your InfluxDB Outlet will be created on this node. If you don't provide it, the default node will be used -
Policy expression that will be used for access control to the InfluxDB Outlet. If you don't provide it, the policy set for the "tcp-outlet" resource type will be used -
Use eBPF and RawSocket to access TCP packets instead of TCP data stream. IfOCKAM_PRIVILEGED
env variable is set to 1, this argument will betrue
--fixed-token [FIXED_TOKEN]
(optional) -
--org-id [ORG_ID]
The organization ID of the InfluxDB server -
--all-access-token [TOKEN]
The token to use to connect to the InfluxDB server -
--leased-token-permissions <JSON>
The permissions to grant to new leases -
--leased-token-expires-in <DURATION>
The duration for which a lease is valid
ockam status
ockam status [OPTIONS]
This command shows information such as the current version of Ockam in use, the Ockam Orchestrator and Project versions, as well as your Spaces and the users associated with them.
It also lists any cryptographic Identities stored in your Vault and their enrollment status with the Ockam Orchestrator.
Additionally, it shows a quick overview of any available Nodes: their status, associated routes and protocols, listeners and services, and more.
--timeout [TIMEOUT]
Override the default timeout duration that the command will wait for a response
# Display information about your Ockam instance and your Orchestrator resources.
$ ockam status
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ockam reset
ockam reset [OPTIONS]
The reset
command is dangerous and should be used with caution as it will remove all local state PERMANENTLY. This behaviour can be useful for cleaning up your development environment and starting afresh from scratch. However, you'll typically want to use specific delete commands such as node delete
, identity delete
, and space delete
for more granular control on deletes.
Note that running reset
will also sign you out of your Ockam account. You can sign in again and reactivate your machine with ockam enroll
Confirm the reset without prompting -
Remove your spaces from the Orchestrator
# Removes the local Ockam configuration including all Identities and Nodes.
$ ockam reset
# Removes orchestrator resources (i.e. Spaces and Projects)
# in addition to deleting the local state.
$ ockam reset --all
# To confirm without prompting.
$ ockam reset -y
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ockam run
ockam run [OPTIONS] [PATH]
Create nodes given a declarative configuration file
Path to the recipe file
--inline [CONTENTS]
Inlined recipe contents -
If true, block until all the created node exits it also propagate signals to created nodes. To be used with docker or kubernetes
ockam manpages
ockam manpages [OPTIONS]
Generate man pages for all existing Ockam commands
,--dir [DIR]
Absolute path to the output directory where the generated man pages will be stored. Defaults to "~/local/.share/man/man1/"; fallback to "./ockam_man_pages". -
disable gzip compression for man page output
ockam completion
ockam completion --shell <SHELL>
Generate shell completion scripts for Ockam commands.
If you’ve installed ockam
command using a package manager, you likely
don't need to do any additional shell configuration to gain completion support.
If you need to set up completions manually, follow the instructions below. The exact configuration file locations might vary based on your system. Remember to restart your shell before testing whether completions are working.
,--shell <SHELL>
The type of shell
The following steps outline how to build the Ockam completion file, where to store it, and what to expect from the process.
Build the Completion File
Start by ensuring you have a valid directory available to store the completion files, depending on your operating system and shell:
- For Bash:
- For Zsh:
- For Fish:
If the directory doesn't exist, create it using the following command, replacing {dir}
with the appropriate path:
mkdir -p {dir}
Generate the completion file by executing the relevant command for your shell. The file name must match the specific name for each shell.
# Bash
$ ockam completion --shell bash > /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/ockam.bash
# Zsh
$ ockam completion --shell zsh > /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_ockam
# Fish
$ ockam completion --shell fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/ockam.fish
Update Completion Cache
After generating the completion file, it may be necessary to update your shell's completion cache to activate the changes:
$ compinit
Expected Results
Upon successfully completing the steps outlined above:
- The completion file will be generated according to the specified shell format.
- The file will contain relevant completion definitions for Ockam commands and options.
- The completion file will be saved in the designated directory for your shell.
Congratulations! You have successfully created and integrated the Ockam completion file into your shell environment. As you type Ockam commands, you'll enjoy the convenience of auto-suggestions and completion.
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ockam environment
ockam environment
Outputs information about environment variables used by the Ockam CLI
ockam admin
ockam admin [OPTIONS]
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ockam space
ockam space <COMMAND>
In Ockam, a space is an infinitely scalable Ockam Node in the cloud that can be created, managed, and scaled by Ockam Orchestrator. Spaces offer services such as creating projects within a space, inviting teammates to it, or attaching payment subscriptions.
When you enroll in Ockam for the first time, a space is created for you to host your projects.
space list
ockam space list [OPTIONS]
This command will show the details of all the available spaces.
By default, it will fetch the spaces associated to the default identity. This can be overridden by passing the --identity
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Run the command as the given Identity
# To list the spaces of the default identity
$ ockam space list
# To list the spaces of a specific identity
$ ockam space list --identity i2
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space show
ockam space show [OPTIONS] [NAME]
This command will show all the details of a space such as its name, ID, and users that have access to it.
Name of the space
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Run the command as the given Identity
# To show a space with a specific name
$ ockam space show s
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ockam space-admin
ockam space-admin <COMMAND>
Manage Space Admins in Ockam Orchestrator
space-admin add
ockam space-admin add [OPTIONS] <EMAIL> [NAME]
Add a new Admin to a Space
Email of the Admin to add -
Name of the Space
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Run the command as the given Identity
space-admin list
ockam space-admin list [OPTIONS] [NAME]
List the Admins of a Space
Name of the Space
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Run the command as the given Identity
space-admin delete
ockam space-admin delete [OPTIONS] [EMAIL] [NAME]
Delete an Admin from a Space
Email of the Admin to delete -
Name of the Space
Confirm the deletion without prompting -
(optional) -
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Run the command as the given Identity
ockam project-admin
ockam project-admin <COMMAND>
Manage Project Admins in Ockam Orchestrator
project-admin add
ockam project-admin add [OPTIONS] <EMAIL> [NAME]
Add a new Admin to a Project
Email of the Admin to add -
Name of the Project
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Run the command as the given Identity
project-admin list
ockam project-admin list [OPTIONS] [NAME]
List the Admins of a Project
Name of the Project
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Run the command as the given Identity
project-admin delete
ockam project-admin delete [OPTIONS] [EMAIL] [NAME]
Delete an Admin from a Project
Email of the Admin to delete -
Name of the Project
Confirm the deletion without prompting -
(optional) -
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Run the command as the given Identity
ockam project-member
ockam project-member <COMMAND>
An Ockam Project Membership Authority node is an Ockam node running a limited set of services used by other nodes to:
- issue credentials
- create enrollment tokens
- accept enrollment tokens
- authenticate identities as project members
Project Membership Authority node can be controlled by an authorized Identity (enroller) using this command.
project-member list-ids
ockam project-member list-ids [OPTIONS]
This command lists Identifiers of all members on a given Project Membership Authority node.
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Run the command as the given Identity -
,--project-name [PROJECT_NAME]
The Project to list members from
project-member list
ockam project-member list [OPTIONS]
This command lists all members and their attributes on a given Project Membership Authority node.
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Run the command as the given Identity -
,--project-name [PROJECT_NAME]
The Project to list members from -
Return only the enroller members
project-member add
ockam project-member add [OPTIONS] <IDENTIFIER>
This command adds a member to a given Project Membership Authority node.
The Identifier of the member to add
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Run the command as the given Identity -
,--project-name [PROJECT_NAME]
The Project to which a member should be added -
,--attribute [ATTRIBUTE]
Attributes inkey=value
format to be attached to the member. You can specify this option multiple times for multiple attributes -
Name of the relay that the identity will be allowed to create. This name is transformed into an attribute, and it's used to prevent collisions with other relays names. E.g.--relay foo
is a shorthand for--attribute ockam-relay=foo
Set the enroller role for the member. When this flag is set, it is transformed into the attributeockam-role=enroller
. This role grants the Identity holding the ticket the ability to enroll other Identities into the Project, which is a privilege usually reserved for administrators -
--retry-count [RETRY_COUNT]
Number of times to retry the command -
--retry-delay [RETRY_DELAY]
Delay between retries -
Disable retry for the command, no matter if it's enabled via arguments or environment variables
# Add a member with Identifier I6c20e814b56579306f55c64e8747e6c1b4a53d9a3f4ca83c252cc2fbfc72fa94
# who can create any relay (wildcard) and a custom key=value attribute that can be used by Attribute-based Access Control
$ ockam project-member add I6c20e814b56579306f55c64e8747e6c1b4a53d9a3f4ca83c252cc2fbfc72fa94 --relay="*" --attribute key=value
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project-member delete
ockam project-member delete [OPTIONS] [IDENTIFIER]
This deletes the passed member from a given Project Membership Authority node.
You can also use the --all
flag to delete all members from a given Project Membership Authority node, except the member associated with your own identifier.
The Identifier of the member to delete
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Run the command as the given Identity -
,--project-name [PROJECT_NAME]
The Project that the member belongs to -
Delete all members of the Project except the current default Identity
# Delete a member
$ ockam project-member delete I6c20e814b56579306f55c64e8747e6c1b4a53d9a3f4ca83c252cc2fbfc72fa94
# Delete all members, expect the member associated with your own identifier
$ ockam project-member delete --all
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ockam sidecar
ockam sidecar <COMMAND>
This command starts sidecar, every sidecar is thought to be standalone and can be executed locally or within a docker container.
You can also customize recipes to fit your needs by running the sidecar with --dry-run
parameter and then editing the generated recipe.
To execute a recipe, use ockam run
sidecar secure-relay-inlet
ockam sidecar secure-relay-inlet [OPTIONS] <--enroll-ticket <ENROLLMENT TICKET PATH>|--okta> <SERVICE NAME>
This sidecar starts a TCP inlet listening in the provided port. It requires a valid enrollment mechanism. The portal will be named and inlet and outlet name must match.
The name of the service
Address on which to accept tcp connections, in the format -
Just print the recipe and exit -
--enroll-ticket [ENROLLMENT TICKET PATH]
Enrollment ticket to use -
If using Okta enrollment
# Starts the inlet relay listening in port 5432 with a service called `postgresql-production`
ockam sidecar secure-relay-inlet --from --enrollment-ticket ./ticket postgresql-production
# Prints the recipe without executing any command, can be used with `ockam run`
ockam sidecar secure-relay-inlet --from --enrollment-ticket ./ticket --dry-run postgresql-production
# Starts an inlet relay service called `my-http-service` listening on port 6000 inside a docker container
docker run --name my-http-service -ti -p 6000:6000 --volume /tmp/ticket_for_docker:/ticket ockam sidecar secure-relay-inlet --from --enrollment-ticket /ticket my-http-service
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sidecar secure-relay-outlet
ockam sidecar secure-relay-outlet [OPTIONS] --to <SOCKET_ADDRESS> <--enroll-ticket <ENROLLMENT TICKET PATH>|--okta> <SERVICE NAME>
This sidecar starts a TCP outlet connecting to the provided address. It requires a valid enrollment mechanism. The portal will be named and inlet and outlet name must match.
The name of the service
TCP address to send raw tcp traffic, in the format -
Just print the recipe and exit -
--enroll-ticket [ENROLLMENT TICKET PATH]
Enrollment ticket to use -
If using Okta enrollment
# Starts the outlet connecting to localhost port 5432, with a named service `postgresql-production`
ockam sidecar secure-relay-outlet --to --enrollment-ticket ./ticket postgresql-production
# Prints the recipe without executing any command, can be used with `ockam run`
ockam sidecar secure-relay-outlet --to --enrollment-ticket ./ticket --dry-run postgresql-production
# Starts an outlet relay service called `my-http-service` listening connecting to port 5000 inside a docker container
docker run --name my-http-service -ti --volume /tmp/ticket_for_docker:/ticket ockam sidecar secure-relay-outlet --to --enrollment-ticket /ticket my-http-service
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ockam subscription
ockam subscription [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
subscription show
ockam subscription show [OPTIONS] [SUBSCRIPTION_ID]
Show the details of a single subscription. You can use either the subscription ID or the space ID
Subscription ID
--space [SPACE_ID]
Space ID
ockam lease
ockam lease <COMMAND>
lease create
ockam lease create [OPTIONS]
Create a token within the lease token manager
--at [ROUTE]
The route to the node that will be used to create the token -
--timeout [TIMEOUT]
Override the default timeout duration that the command will wait for a response -
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Run the command as the given Identity -
--project [PROJECT_NAME]
Project name to use for the command -
--authority-identity [IDENTITY]
Hex encoded Identity -
--authority-route [AUTHORITY_ROUTE]
Address to the Authority node -
--credential-scope [CREDENTIAL_SCOPE]
Expect credential manually saved to the storage
lease list
ockam lease list [OPTIONS]
List tokens within the lease token manager
--at [ROUTE]
The route to the node that will be used to create the token -
--timeout [TIMEOUT]
Override the default timeout duration that the command will wait for a response -
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Run the command as the given Identity -
--project [PROJECT_NAME]
Project name to use for the command -
--authority-identity [IDENTITY]
Hex encoded Identity -
--authority-route [AUTHORITY_ROUTE]
Address to the Authority node -
--credential-scope [CREDENTIAL_SCOPE]
Expect credential manually saved to the storage
lease show
ockam lease show [OPTIONS] <TOKEN_ID>
Show detailed token information within the lease token manager
ID of the token to retrieve
--at [ROUTE]
The route to the node that will be used to create the token -
--timeout [TIMEOUT]
Override the default timeout duration that the command will wait for a response -
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Run the command as the given Identity -
--project [PROJECT_NAME]
Project name to use for the command -
--authority-identity [IDENTITY]
Hex encoded Identity -
--authority-route [AUTHORITY_ROUTE]
Address to the Authority node -
--credential-scope [CREDENTIAL_SCOPE]
Expect credential manually saved to the storage
lease revoke
ockam lease revoke [OPTIONS] <TOKEN_ID>
Revoke a token within the lease token manager
ID of the token to revoke
--at [ROUTE]
The route to the node that will be used to create the token -
--timeout [TIMEOUT]
Override the default timeout duration that the command will wait for a response -
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Run the command as the given Identity -
--project [PROJECT_NAME]
Project name to use for the command -
--authority-identity [IDENTITY]
Hex encoded Identity -
--authority-route [AUTHORITY_ROUTE]
Address to the Authority node -
--credential-scope [CREDENTIAL_SCOPE]
Expect credential manually saved to the storage
ockam authority
ockam authority <COMMAND>
An Ockam Authority node is an Ockam node running a limited set of services used by other nodes to:
- issue credentials
- create enrollment tokens
- accept enrollment tokens
- authenticate identities as project members
Those services are accessible by creating a secure channel over a TCP connection.
authority create
ockam authority create [OPTIONS] --project-identifier <PROJECT_IDENTIFIER> --trusted-identities <JSON_OBJECT>
This command starts an authority node with the needed services to issue and verify cryptographically signed credentials.
Run the node in foreground -
Skip the check if such node is already running. Useful for kubernetes when the pid is the same on each run -
authority create
started a child process to run this node in foreground -
,--tcp-listener-address [SOCKET_ADDRESS]
TCP listener address -
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Name of the Identity that the authority will use -
--project-identifier <PROJECT_IDENTIFIER>
Identifier of the project associated to this authority node on the Orchestrator -
--project-identity-identifier-file [PROJECT_IDENTITY_IDENTIFIER_FILE]
Path to a file containing the identifier of the identity used by the project -
--project-access-route [MULTI_ADDR]
MultiAddr for accessing the project. If provided, then default project data is stored in the authority node database -
--trusted-identities <JSON_OBJECT>
List of the trusted identities, and corresponding attributes to be preload in the attributes storage. Format: {"identifier1": {"attribute1": "value1", "attribute2": "value12"}, ...} -
Set this option if the authority node should not support the enrollment of new project members -
Set this option if the authority node should not support the issuing of enrollment tokens -
--tenant-base-url [URL]
Okta: URL used for accessing the Okta API -
--certificate [STRING]
Okta: pem certificate used to access the Okta server -
--attributes [ATTRIBUTE_NAMES]
Okta: name of the attributes which can be retrieved from Okta -
Full, hex-encoded Identity (change history) of the account authority to trust for account and project administrator credentials -
Enforce distinction between admins and enrollers -
Not include trust context id and project id into the credential TODO: Set to true after old clients are updated -
--tcp-callback-port [TCP_CALLBACK_PORT]
Port that a node should connect to when it's up and running, as a way to signal the parent process
# Create an authority node which can be accessed by users of project 93c6455c5f
# The default node name is 'authority'.
$ ockam authority create \
--tcp-listener-address \
--project-identifier 93c6455c5f \
--trusted-identities "[{\"identifier\": \"I6c20e814b56579306f55c64e8747e6c1b4a53d9a3f4ca83c252cc2fbfc72fa94\", \"attributes\": {\"ockam-role\": \"enroller\"}}]"
# Delete an authority node
$ ockam node delete authority
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ockam service
ockam service <COMMAND>
service start
ockam service start [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
Start a specified service
service start hop
ockam service start hop [OPTIONS]
--addr [ADDR]
service list
ockam service list [OPTIONS]
List service(s) of a given node
--at [NODE_NAME]
Perform the command on the given node
ockam message
ockam message <COMMAND>
Send and receive messages
message send
ockam message send [OPTIONS] --to <ROUTE> <MESSAGE>
This command is used to send messages between Ockam nodes. In order to use this command, you need to specify at least the recipient of the message, which is an address to a service of an Ockam node. Optionally, you can specify the sender node. If not provided, a temporary node will be created for the duration of the command to perform the operation.
,--from [NODE]
The node to send messages from -
,--to <ROUTE>
The route to send the message to -
Flag to indicate that the message is hex encoded -
--timeout [TIMEOUT]
Override the default timeout duration that the command will wait for a response -
--retry-count [RETRY_COUNT]
Number of times to retry the command -
--retry-delay [RETRY_DELAY]
Delay between retries -
Disable retry for the command, no matter if it's enabled via arguments or environment variables -
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Run the command as the given Identity -
--project [PROJECT_NAME]
Project name to use for the command -
--authority-identity [IDENTITY]
Hex encoded Identity -
--authority-route [AUTHORITY_ROUTE]
Address to the Authority node -
--credential-scope [CREDENTIAL_SCOPE]
Expect credential manually saved to the storage
# Create two nodes
$ ockam node create n1
$ ockam node create n2
# Send a message to the uppercase service on node 2
$ ockam message send hello --to /node/n2/service/uppercase
# A more verbose version of the above would be,
# assuming n2 started its tcp listener on port 4000.
$ ockam message send hello --to /ip4/
# Send a message to the uppercase service on node n2 from node n1
$ ockam message send hello --from /node/n1 --to /node/n2/service/uppercase
# Create a secure channel from node n1 to the api service on node n2
# The /service/api is a secure channel listener that is started on every node
# Send a message through this encrypted channel to the uppercase service
$ ockam secure-channel create --from /node/n1 --to /node/n2/service/api \\
| ockam message send hello --from /node/n1 --to -/service/uppercase
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ockam markdown
ockam markdown [OPTIONS]
Generate markdown files for all existing Ockam commands
,--dir [DIR]
Absolute path to the output directory where the generated markdown files will be stored. Defaults to "./ockam_markdown_pages" in the current working directory.
ockam migrate-database
ockam migrate-database [OPTIONS]
Migrate a Postgres database to the latest schema version.
Report which migrations would be applied, but don't apply them
# Migrate a Postgres database shared by multiple nodes.
$ ockam migrate-postgres
$ ockam migrate-postgres --dry-run
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ockam worker
ockam worker <COMMAND>
Ockam nodes run very lightweight, concurrent, stateful actors called Ockam Workers. Workers have addresses and a node can deliver messages to workers on the same node or on a different node using the Ockam Routing Protocol and its Transports. One or more workers can work as a team to offer a service.
worker list
ockam worker list [OPTIONS]
When creating a new node, a set of default services are started. This command lists all the available workers on a given node, which can be helpful to check if all the services are running, or to check the workers' addresses associated to secure channels or relays created by the node.
--at [NODE_NAME]
Node at which to lookup workers
# Create a node
$ ockam node create n1
# List the workers available in the node
$ ockam worker list --at n1
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ockam secure-channel-listener
ockam secure-channel-listener <COMMAND>
Manage Secure Channel Listeners
secure-channel-listener create
ockam secure-channel-listener create [OPTIONS] <ADDRESS>
All nodes are created with a secure channel listener at /service/api
You can use this command to start a custom listener with a specific name and authorization policies.
Address for this listener
--at [NODE_NAME]
Perform the command on the given node -
,--authorized [IDENTIFIERS]
Authorized Identifiers of secure channel initiators -
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Name of the Identity that the secure-channel listener will use If it is different from the default node identity
$ ockam node create n1
$ ockam node create n2
# Create a secure channel listener with a custom name on the default node
$ ockam secure-channel-listener create test --at n2
✔ Secure Channel Listener at /service/test created successfully
At node /node/n2
# Create a secure channel from n1 to our test secure channel listener on n2
$ ockam secure-channel create --from /node/n1 --to /node/n2/service/api
✔ Secure Channel at /service/5c2a940cf008783cfd8d7012e772d674 created successfully
From /node/n1 to /node/n2/service/api
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secure-channel-listener delete
ockam secure-channel-listener delete [OPTIONS] <ADDRESS>
This command will delete a secure channel listener from a node. The user must pass the secure channel listener address and, optionally, the node where the secure channel was set up. Otherwise, the default node will be used.
Once deleted, it can't be recovered and a new one must be set up.
Address at which the channel listener to be deleted is running
--at [NODE_NAME]
Perform the command on the given node
$ ockam secure-channel-listener delete 8eb3bfc8a6419f24c05ddd627d144bec --at n1
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secure-channel-listener list
ockam secure-channel-listener list [OPTIONS]
This command will list all the secure channel listeners available in a node. If the node is not provided, the default node will be used.
--at [NODE_NAME]
Perform the command on the given node
$ ockam secure-channel-listener list --at n1
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secure-channel-listener show
ockam secure-channel-listener show [OPTIONS] <ADDRESS>
This command will return the details of a secure channel listener. The user must pass the secure channel listener address and, optionally, the node where the secure channel was set up. Otherwise, the default node will be used.
Address of the channel listener
--at [NODE_NAME]
Perform the command on the given node
$ ockam secure-channel-listener show 8eb3bfc8a6419f24c05ddd627d144bec --at n1
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ockam secure-channel
ockam secure-channel <COMMAND>
Ockam Secure Channels is an end-to-end protocol built on top of Ockam Routing. This cryptographic protocol guarantees data authenticity, integrity, and confidentiality over any communication topology that can be traversed with Ockam Routing.
You can find more details and examples in the documentation:
- https://docs.ockam.io/reference/command/secure-channels
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secure-channel create
ockam secure-channel create [OPTIONS] --from <NODE> --to <ROUTE>
When a secure channel is created between two nodes they mutually authenticate each other using their Ockam Identity. Once the channel is created, you can send messages through through it using the returned address.
--from <NODE>
Node from which to initiate the secure channel -
--to <ROUTE>
Route to a secure channel listener -
,--authorized [IDENTIFIER]
Identifiers authorized to be presented by the listener -
,--credential [CREDENTIAL]
(optional) -
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Run the command as the given Identity
Every node, created with Ockam Command, starts a secure channel listener at address /service/api. Let's create a secure channel between two nodes and send a message from one node to another.
$ ockam node create a
$ ockam node create b
$ ockam secure-channel create --from a --to /node/b/service/api
✔ Secure Channel at /service/a2b1a2275d02308a7920499b5f49e4ee created successfully
From /node/n1 to /node/n2/service/api
$ ockam message send hello --from a --to /service/d92ef0aea946ec01cdbccc5b9d3f2e16/service/uppercase
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secure-channel delete
ockam secure-channel delete [OPTIONS] <ADDRESS>
This command will delete a secure channel from a node. The user must pass the secure channel address and, optionally, the node where the secure channel was set up. Otherwise, the default node will be used.
Once deleted, it can't be recovered and a new one must be set up.
Address at which the channel to be deleted is running
--at [NODE]
Node at which the secure channel was initiated -
Confirm the deletion without prompting
$ ockam secure-channel delete 8eb3bfc8a6419f24c05ddd627d144bec --at n1
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secure-channel list
ockam secure-channel list [OPTIONS]
This command will list all the secure channels available in a node. If the node is not provided, the default node will be used.
--at [NODE_NAME]
Node at which the returned secure channels were initiated
$ ockam secure-channel list --at n1
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secure-channel show
ockam secure-channel show [OPTIONS] --at <ROUTE>
This command will return the details of a secure channel. The user must pass the secure channel address and, optionally, the node where the secure channel was set up. Otherwise, the default node will be used.
--at <ROUTE>
Route to the secure channel -
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Run the command as the given Identity -
--timeout [TIMEOUT]
Override the default timeout duration that the command will wait for a response
$ ockam secure-channel show --at /node/n1/service/8eb3bfc8a6419f24c05ddd627d144bec
$ ockam secure-channel show --at /dnsaddr/localhost/tcp/1111/service/api
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ockam tcp-listener
ockam tcp-listener <COMMAND>
Manage TCP Listeners
tcp-listener create
ockam tcp-listener create [OPTIONS] <ADDRESS>
Create tcp listener on the selected node
Address for this listener (eg.
--at [NODE]
Node at which to create the listener
# To create a new TCP listener at the given address using the default node
$ ockam tcp-listener create
# To create a new TCP listener at the given address using a specific node
$ ockam tcp-listener create --at n1
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tcp-listener delete
ockam tcp-listener delete [OPTIONS] <ADDRESS>
Delete tcp listener on the selected node
TCP Listener internal address
--at [NODE_NAME]
Perform the command on the given node -
Confirm the deletion without prompting
# To delete a TCP listener given its internal address on the default node
$ ockam tcp-listener delete d59c01ab8d9683f8c454df746e627b43
# To delete a TCP listener given its socket address on the default node
$ ockam tcp-listener delete
# To delete a TCP listener given its internal address on a specific node
$ ockam tcp-listener delete d59c01ab8d9683f8c454df746e627b43 --at n1
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tcp-listener list
ockam tcp-listener list [OPTIONS]
List tcp listeners registered on the selected node
--at [NODE_NAME]
Perform the command on the given node
# To list the TCP listeners on the default node
$ ockam tcp-listener list
# To list the TCP listeners on a specific node
$ ockam tcp-listener list --at n1
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tcp-listener show
ockam tcp-listener show [OPTIONS] <ADDRESS>
Show tcp listener details
TCP listener internal address or socket address
--at [NODE_NAME]
Perform the command on the given node
# To show a TCP listener given its internal address
$ ockam tcp-listener show d59c01ab8d9683f8c454df746e627b43
# To show a TCP listener given its socket address
$ ockam tcp-listener show
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ockam tcp-connection
ockam tcp-connection <COMMAND>
Manage TCP Connections
tcp-connection create
ockam tcp-connection create [OPTIONS] --to <ADDRESS>
Create a TCP connection
--from [NODE]
Node that will initiate the connection -
,--to <ADDRESS>
The address to connect to
# To create a new TCP connection at the given address using the default node
$ ockam tcp-connection create --to
# To create a new TCP connection at the given address using a specific node
$ ockam tcp-connection create --from n1 --to
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tcp-connection delete
ockam tcp-connection delete [OPTIONS] <ADDRESS>
Delete a TCP connection
TCP connection internal address or socket address
--at [NODE_NAME]
Perform the command on the given node -
Confirm the deletion without prompting
# To delete a TCP connection given its internal address on the default node
$ ockam tcp-connection delete d59c01ab8d9683f8c454df746e627b43
# To delete a TCP connection given its socket address on the default node
$ ockam tcp-connection delete
# To delete a TCP connection given its internal address on a specific node
$ ockam tcp-connection delete d59c01ab8d9683f8c454df746e627b43 --at n1
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tcp-connection list
ockam tcp-connection list [OPTIONS]
List TCP connections
--at [NODE_NAME]
Perform the command on the given node
# To list the TCP connections on the default node
$ ockam tcp-connection list
# To list the TCP connections on a specific node
$ ockam tcp-connection list --at n1
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tcp-connection show
ockam tcp-connection show [OPTIONS] <ADDRESS>
Show a TCP connection
TCP connection internal address or socket address
--at [NODE_NAME]
Perform the command on the given node
# To show a TCP connection given its internal address
$ ockam tcp-connection show d59c01ab8d9683f8c454df746e627b43
# To show a TCP connection given its socket address
$ ockam tcp-connection show
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ockam flow-control
ockam flow-control <COMMAND>
flow-control add-consumer
ockam flow-control add-consumer [OPTIONS] <FLOW_CONTROL_ID> <ADDRESS>
Corresponding FlowControlId value -
Address of the Consumer
--at [NODE_NAME]
Perform the command on the given node
ockam kafka-consumer
ockam kafka-consumer <COMMAND>
Manage Kafka Consumers [DEPRECATED]
kafka-consumer create
ockam kafka-consumer create [OPTIONS]
Create a new Kafka Consumer. Kafka clients v3.7.0 and earlier are supported. You can find the version you have with 'kafka-console-consumer.sh --version'. [DEPRECATED]
--at [NODE_NAME]
Perform the command on the given node -
--addr [ADDR]
The local address of the service -
--bootstrap-server [SOCKET_ADDRESS]
The address where the client will connect, in the format<scheme>://<hostname>:<port>
--brokers-port-range [BROKERS_PORT_RANGE]
Local port range dynamically allocated to kafka brokers, must not overlap with the bootstrap port -
--project-route [PROJECT_ROUTE]
The route to the project in ockam orchestrator, expected something like /project/
kafka-consumer delete
ockam kafka-consumer delete [OPTIONS] <ADDRESS>
Delete a Kafka Consumer. [DEPRECATED]
Kafka consumer service address
--at [NODE_NAME]
Perform the command on the given node
# To delete a kafka consumers on the default node
$ ockam kafka-consumer delete kcaddr
# To delete a kafka consumers on a specific node
$ ockam kafka-consumer delete kcaddr --at n
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kafka-consumer list
ockam kafka-consumer list [OPTIONS]
List Kafka Consumers. [DEPRECATED]
--at [NODE_NAME]
Perform the command on the given node
# To list the kafka consumers on the default node
$ ockam kafka-consumer list
# To list the kafka consumers on a specific node
$ ockam kafka-consumer list --at n
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ockam kafka-producer
ockam kafka-producer <COMMAND>
Manage Kafka Producers [DEPRECATED]
kafka-producer create
ockam kafka-producer create [OPTIONS]
Create a new Kafka Producer. Kafka clients v3.7.0 and earlier are supported. You can find the version you have with 'kafka-console-producer.sh --version'. [DEPRECATED]
--at [NODE_NAME]
Perform the command on the given node -
--addr [ADDR]
The local address of the service -
--bootstrap-server [SOCKET_ADDRESS]
The address where the client will connect, in the format<scheme>://<hostname>:<port>
--brokers-port-range [BROKERS_PORT_RANGE]
Local port range dynamically allocated to kafka brokers, must not overlap with the bootstrap port -
--project-route [PROJECT_ROUTE]
The route to the project in ockam orchestrator, expected something like /project/
kafka-producer delete
ockam kafka-producer delete [OPTIONS] <ADDRESS>
Delete a Kafka Producer. [DEPRECATED]
Kafka producer service address
--at [NODE_NAME]
Perform the command on the given node
# To delete a kafka producers on the default node
$ ockam kafka-producer delete kcaddr
# To delete a kafka producers on a specific node
$ ockam kafka-producer delete kcaddr --at n
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kafka-producer list
ockam kafka-producer list [OPTIONS]
List Kafka Producers. [DEPRECATED]
--at [NODE_NAME]
Perform the command on the given node
# To list the kafka producers on the default node
$ ockam kafka-producer list
# To list the kafka producers on a specific node
$ ockam kafka-producer list --at n
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ockam share
ockam share <COMMAND>
Manage sharing invitations in Ockam Orchestrator
share accept
ockam share accept [OPTIONS] <ID>
Accept a received sharing invitation
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Run the command as the given Identity
share create
Create an invitation for another user to join a Space or Project
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Run the command as the given Identity -
,--grant-role [GRANT_ROLE]
(optional) -
,--expires-at [EXPIRES_AT]
share list
ockam share list [OPTIONS]
List sharing invitations you've created or received
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Run the command as the given Identity
share revoke
ockam share revoke
Revoke a sharing invitation you've previously created
share service
Create a sharing invitation for a single service
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Run the command as the given Identity -
,--expires-at [EXPIRES_AT]
share show
ockam share show [OPTIONS] <INVITATION_ID>
Show information about a single invitation you own or received, including service access details
--identity [IDENTITY_NAME]
Run the command as the given Identity