ockam node

ockam node <COMMAND>

An Ockam node is any running application that can communicate with other applications using various Ockam protocols like Routing, Secure Channels, Relays etc.

We can create Ockam nodes using the Ockam CLI or using various Ockam programming libraries like our Rust and Elixir libraries.



# Create two nodes
$ ockam node create n1
$ ockam node create n2

# Send a message to the uppercase service on node 2
$ ockam message send hello --to /node/n2/service/uppercase

# A more verbose version of the above would be,
# assuming n2 started its tcp listener on port 4000.
$ ockam message send hello --to /ip4/

# Send a message to the uppercase service on node n2 from node n1
$ ockam message send hello --from /node/n1 --to /node/n2/service/uppercase

# Create a secure channel from node n1 to the api service on node n2
# The /service/api is a secure channel listener that is started on every node
# Send a message through this encrypted channel to the uppercase service
$ ockam secure-channel create --from /node/n1 --to /node/n2/service/api \\
    | ockam message send hello --from /node/n1 --to -/service/uppercase

# Create a node, with a specified tcp listener address
$ ockam node create n1 --tcp-listener-address

# Create a node, and run it in the foreground with verbose traces
$ ockam node create n1 --foreground -vvv

# Show information about a specific node
$ ockam node show n1

# List all created nodes
$ ockam node list

# Delete the node
$ ockam node delete n1

# Delete all nodes
$ ockam node delete --all

# Delete all nodes and force cleanup
$ ockam node delete --all --force

Learn More:

Use 'ockam --help' for more information about a subcommand. Where might be: 'node', 'status', 'enroll', etc. Learn more about Command: https://command.ockam.io/manual/ Learn more about Ockam: https://docs.ockam.io/reference/command


If you have questions, as you explore, join us on the contributors discord channel https://discord.ockam.io