secure-channel-listener create

ockam secure-channel-listener create [OPTIONS] <ADDRESS>

All nodes are created with a secure channel listener at /service/api.

You can use this command to start a custom listener with a specific name and authorization policies.


    Address for this listener


  • --at [NODE_NAME] (optional)
    Perform the command on the given node

  • -a, --authorized [IDENTIFIERS] (optional)
    Authorized Identifiers of secure channel initiators

  • --identity [IDENTITY_NAME] (optional)
    Name of the Identity that the secure-channel listener will use If it is different from the default node identity


$ ockam node create n1
$ ockam node create n2

# Create a secure channel listener with a custom name on the default node
$ ockam secure-channel-listener create test --at n2
  ✔ Secure Channel Listener at /service/test created successfully
  At node /node/n2

# Create a secure channel from n1 to our test secure channel listener on n2
$ ockam secure-channel create --from /node/n1 --to /node/n2/service/api
  ✔ Secure Channel at /service/5c2a940cf008783cfd8d7012e772d674 created successfully
  From /node/n1 to /node/n2/service/api