project addon configure influxdb

ockam project addon configure influxdb [OPTIONS] --endpoint-url <ENDPOINT_URL> --token <INFLUXDB_TOKEN> --org-id <ORGANIZATION_ID>

InfluxDB Cloud addon allows you to create, store and retrieve InfluxDB Tokens with expiry times.


  • --project [PROJECT_NAME] (optional)
    Ockam Project Name

  • -e, --endpoint-url <ENDPOINT_URL>
    Url of the InfluxDB instance

  • -t, --token <INFLUXDB_TOKEN>
    InfluxDB Token with permissions to perform CRUD token operations

  • -o, --org-id <ORGANIZATION_ID>
    InfluxDB Organization ID

  • --permissions [PERMISSIONS_JSON] (optional)
    InfluxDB Permissions as a JSON String

  • --permissions-path [PERMISSIONS_JSON_PATH] (optional)
    InfluxDB Permissions JSON PATH. Use either this or --permissions

  • --max-ttl [MAX_TTL_SECS] (optional)
    Max TTL of Tokens within the Lease Manager [Defaults to 3 Hours]

  • --user-access-role [USER_ACCESS_ROLE] (optional)
    Ockam Access Rule for who can use the token lease service

  • --admin-access-role [ADMIN_ACCESS_ROLE] (optional)
    Ockam Access Rule for who can manage the token lease service


Examples of how to configure and use the InfluxDB Cloud addon can be found within the example documentation:
