message send

ockam message send [OPTIONS] --to <ROUTE> <MESSAGE>

This command is used to send messages between Ockam nodes. In order to use this command, you need to specify at least the recipient of the message, which is an address to a service of an Ockam node. Optionally, you can specify the sender node. If not provided, a temporary node will be created for the duration of the command to perform the operation.




  • -f, --from [NODE] (optional)
    The node to send messages from

  • -t, --to <ROUTE>
    The route to send the message to

  • --hex (optional)
    Flag to indicate that the message is hex encoded

  • --timeout [TIMEOUT] (optional)
    Override the default timeout duration that the command will wait for a response

  • --retry-count [RETRY_COUNT] (optional)
    Number of times to retry the command

  • --retry-delay [RETRY_DELAY] (optional)
    Delay between retries

  • --no-retry (optional)
    Disable retry for the command, no matter if it's enabled via arguments or environment variables

  • --identity [IDENTITY_NAME] (optional)
    Run the command as the given Identity

  • --project [PROJECT_NAME] (optional)
    Project name to use for the command

  • --authority-identity [IDENTITY] (optional)
    Hex encoded Identity

  • --authority-route [AUTHORITY_ROUTE] (optional)
    Address to the Authority node

  • --credential-scope [CREDENTIAL_SCOPE] (optional)
    Expect credential manually saved to the storage


# Create two nodes
$ ockam node create n1
$ ockam node create n2

# Send a message to the uppercase service on node 2
$ ockam message send hello --to /node/n2/service/uppercase

# A more verbose version of the above would be,
# assuming n2 started its tcp listener on port 4000.
$ ockam message send hello --to /ip4/

# Send a message to the uppercase service on node n2 from node n1
$ ockam message send hello --from /node/n1 --to /node/n2/service/uppercase

# Create a secure channel from node n1 to the api service on node n2
# The /service/api is a secure channel listener that is started on every node
# Send a message through this encrypted channel to the uppercase service
$ ockam secure-channel create --from /node/n1 --to /node/n2/service/api \\
    | ockam message send hello --from /node/n1 --to -/service/uppercase