influxdb-outlet create

ockam influxdb-outlet create [OPTIONS] --to <HOSTNAME_PORT> --leased-token-permissions <JSON> --leased-token-expires-in <DURATION>

Create InfluxDB Outlets


  • --to <HOSTNAME_PORT>
    TCP address where your TCP server is running: domain:port. Your Outlet will send raw TCP traffic to it

  • --tls (optional)
    If set, the outlet will establish a TLS connection over TCP

  • --from [OUTLET_ADDRESS] (optional)
    Address of your TCP Outlet, which is part of a route that is used in other commands. This address must be unique. This address identifies the TCP Outlet worker, on the node, on your local machine. Examples are /service/my-outlet or my-outlet. If you don't provide it, /service/outlet will be used. You will need this address when you create a TCP Inlet (using ockam tcp-inlet create --to <OUTLET_ADDRESS>)

  • --at [NODE_NAME] (optional)
    Your TCP Outlet will be created on this node. If you don't provide it, the default node will be used

  • --allow [POLICY_EXPRESSION] (optional)
    Policy expression that will be used for access control to the TCP Outlet. If you don't provide it, the policy set for the "tcp-outlet" resource type will be used

  • --ebpf (optional)
    Use eBPF and RawSocket to access TCP packets instead of TCP data stream. If OCKAM_EBPF env variable is set to 1, this argument will be true

  • --fixed-token [FIXED_TOKEN] (optional)

  • --org-id [ORG_ID] (optional)
    The organization ID of the InfluxDB server

  • --all-access-token [TOKEN] (optional)
    The token to use to connect to the InfluxDB server

  • --leased-token-permissions <JSON>
    The permissions to grant to new leases

  • --leased-token-expires-in <DURATION>
    The duration for which a lease is valid


# To create a new TCP Outlet to the TCP server, using the default node
$ ockam tcp-outlet create --to

# To create a new TCP Outlet at the given address, to the TCP server
$ ockam tcp-outlet create --to --from payroll-db-outlet

# To create a new TCP Outlet to the TCP server, using a specific node
$ ockam tcp-outlet create --at n1 --to