kafka-outlet create

ockam kafka-outlet create [OPTIONS] [NAME]

Create a new Kafka Outlet


  • [NAME] (optional)
    Address of your Kafka Outlet, which is part of a route used in other commands. This unique address identifies the Kafka Outlet worker on the Node on your local machine. Examples are /service/my-outlet or my-outlet. If not provided, /service/kafka_outlet will be used. You will need this address when creating a Kafka Inlet using ockam kafka-inlet create


  • --at [NODE_NAME] (optional)
    Perform the command on the given node

  • --from [OUTLET_ADDRESS] (optional)
    Alternative to the positional argument. Address of your Kafka Outlet, which is part of a route used in other commands

  • --bootstrap-server [BOOTSTRAP_SERVER] (optional)
    The address of the kafka bootstrap broker

  • --tls (optional)
    [DEPRECATED] Use the tls scheme in the --from argument

  • --allow [EXPRESSION] (optional)
    Policy expression that will be used for access control to the Kafka Outlet. If you don't provide it, the policy set for the "tcp-outlet" resource type will be used