policy create

ockam policy create [OPTIONS] --allow <POLICY_EXPRESSION>

This command creates a new policy associated to a resource.


  • --at [NODE_NAME] (optional)
  • --resource-type [RESOURCE_TYPE] (optional)
  • --resource [RESOURCE] (optional)


Policies can be specified using 2 formats:

  • A simple boolean expression
  • A complete policy expression

Boolean expressions

A boolean expression contains names and boolean operators: and, or, not. Here are some examples of boolean expressions:

a and b
a or b
(a and b) or (b or (not c))

The names must contain can contain letters, digits, and separators like,: ., -, or _. However a name cannot start with a digit or a .. For example:


A boolean expression is transformed as a full policy expression before being stored. Names are transformed to attributes on a subject and set to the value true. For example, the expression a and b becomes:

(and (= subject.a "true") (= subject.b "true"))

Policy expressions

A policy expression is an expression containing identifiers and operators, which can eventually be evaluated to a boolean value given an environment (a list of key/value pairs) assigning a value to each name.

For example, the expression (= subject.component "db") will evaluate to true given an environment containing the name subject.component and the value "db". The type of values associated to names are:

  • string.
  • bool.
  • float.
  • int.
  • a list of values with one of the types above.

The structure of a policy expression consists in an operator followed by one or several arguments:

(operator argument1 argument2)


Here is the list of available operators:

and2(and (= a 1) (= b 2))true if both expressions are true.
or2(or (= a 1) (= b 2))true if one expression is true.
not1(not (= a 1))true if the expression is false.
if3(if (= a 1) (= b 2) (= c 3)if the first expression is true return the value of the second expression. Otherwise return the value of the third expression.
<2(< a 1)true if a value is strictly less than another value.
>2(> a 1)true if a value is strictly greater than another value.
=2(= a "value")true if a value is equal to another value.
!=2(!= a "value")true if a value is not equal to another value.
member?2(member? a ["db1", "db2"])true if a value is contained in a list of other values.
exists?n >= 1(exists? a b c)true if one of the identifiers has an associated value in the environment.

Learn More:

Use 'ockam <SUBCOMMAND> --help' for more information about a subcommand.
Where <SUBCOMMAND> might be: 'node', 'status', 'enroll', etc.
Learn more about Command: https://command.ockam.io/manual/
Learn more about Ockam: https://docs.ockam.io/reference/command


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