project-member add

ockam project-member add [OPTIONS] <IDENTIFIER>

This command adds a member to a given Project Membership Authority node.


    The Identifier of the member to add


  • --identity [IDENTITY_NAME] (optional)
    Run the command as the given Identity

  • -p, --project-name [PROJECT_NAME] (optional)
    The Project to which a member should be added

  • -a, --attribute [ATTRIBUTE] (optional)
    Attributes in key=value format to be attached to the member. You can specify this option multiple times for multiple attributes

  • --relay [ALLOWED_RELAY_NAME] (optional)
    Name of the relay that the identity will be allowed to create. This name is transformed into an attribute, and it's used to prevent collisions with other relays names. E.g. --relay foo is a shorthand for --attribute ockam-relay=foo

  • --enroller (optional)
    Set the enroller role for the member. When this flag is set, it is transformed into the attribute ockam-role=enroller. This role grants the Identity holding the ticket the ability to enroll other Identities into the Project, which is a privilege usually reserved for administrators

  • --retry-count [RETRY_COUNT] (optional)
    Number of times to retry the command

  • --retry-delay [RETRY_DELAY] (optional)
    Delay between retries

  • --no-retry (optional)
    Disable retry for the command, no matter if it's enabled via arguments or environment variables


# Add a member with Identifier I6c20e814b56579306f55c64e8747e6c1b4a53d9a3f4ca83c252cc2fbfc72fa94
# who can create any relay (wildcard) and a custom key=value attribute that can be used by Attribute-based Access Control
$ ockam project-member add I6c20e814b56579306f55c64e8747e6c1b4a53d9a3f4ca83c252cc2fbfc72fa94 --relay="*" --attribute key=value

Learn More:

Use 'ockam --help' for more information about a subcommand. Where might be: 'node', 'status', 'enroll', etc. Learn more about Command: Learn more about Ockam:


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